Module pvinspect.preproc.calibration

Flatfield and lens calibration

Expand source code
"""Flatfield and lens calibration"""
from import *
from import _sequence
from pvinspect.common.exceptions import (
from pvinspect.common.types import PathOrStr
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from skimage import img_as_float
from tqdm.autonotebook import trange, tqdm
import numpy as np
import cv2
from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
import os
import logging
import pickle
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely import affinity
from skimage import transform, morphology, measure, filters
from typing import Union
import logging

def _calibrate_flatfield(
    images: List[np.ndarray], targets: List[float], order: int
) -> np.array:

    imgs = [img.flatten() for img in images]

    order = min(len(imgs) - 1, 2) if order == -1 else order
    coeff = np.empty((order + 1, imgs[0].shape[0]), dtype=images[0].dtype)

    if order == 1 and len(images) == 2:
        coeff[1] = (targets[1] - targets[0]) / (imgs[1] - imgs[0])
        coeff[0] = targets[0] - coeff[1] * imgs[0]
        for i in trange(imgs[0].shape[0]):
            coeff[:, i] = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(
                [img[i] for img in imgs], targets, order

    # perserve mean of ff-image with highest intensity
    maxi = np.argmax(targets)
    mean = np.mean(images[maxi])
    coeff *= mean

    return coeff.reshape((order + 1, images[0].shape[0], images[0].shape[1]))

def calibrate_flatfield(
    images: Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]],
    targets: List[float],
    order: int = -1,
    use_median: bool = True,
) -> np.array:
    """Perform flat-field calibration. Note that there might be several calibration shots
    with the same normalization target. In that case, a least-squares estimate is computed.

        images (Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]]): Sequence of calibration shots or list of sequences
        targets (List[float]): Corresponding list of calibration targets. If images is an ImageSequence, specify
            one target per element of the sequence. If images is a list of ImageSequence, specify one target
            per element of the list. The targets specify normalized intensity of the flatfield calibration image.
        order (int): Order of compensation polynomial. The order is chosen automatically, if order == -1 (default)
        use_median (bool): Use the median of all images with the same target

        coeff: order+1 coefficients starting with the lowest order coefficient
    if order == 0:
        raise InvalidArgumentException("Order of flat-field-polynom must not be 0")
    if order > len(images) - 1:
        raise MisconfigurationException(
            "Need at least {:d} images to calibrate a flat-field-polynom of degree {:d} ({:d} given)".format(
                order + 1, order, len(images)

    # flatten multiple sequences
    if isinstance(images, list):
        images_new, targets_new = list(), list()
        for l, t in zip(images, targets):
            targets_new += [t] * len(l)
            images_new += l.images
        targets = targets_new
        images = ImageSequence(images=images_new, same_camera=True)

    # assure float type
    images = images.as_type(DType.FLOAT)

    if use_median:
        images_new = list()
        targets_new = list()

        for i1, t1 in enumerate(set(targets)):
            group = list()
            for i2, t2 in enumerate(targets):
                if t1 == t2:
            images_new.append(np.median(group, axis=0))

        return _calibrate_flatfield(images=images_new, targets=targets_new, order=order)

    return _calibrate_flatfield(
        images=[ for img in images], targets=targets, order=order

def calibrate_distortion(
    images: ImageSequence, checkerboard_size: Tuple[int, int]
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
    """Perform lens calibration

        images (ImageSequence): Sequence of calibration shots
        checkerboard_size (Tuple[int, int]): Size of the checkerboard (outer corners do not count)

        mtx: Matrix of intrinsic camera parameters
        dist: Vectors of distortion coefficients (k1, k2, p1, p2, k3)
        newcameramtx: Matrix that performs additional scaling to account for black borders
        roi: ROI of valid pixels
    criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)

    # prepare object points, like (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (2,0,0) ....,(6,5,0)
    objp = np.zeros((checkerboard_size[0] * checkerboard_size[1], 3), np.float32)
    objp[:, :2] = np.mgrid[
        0 : checkerboard_size[0], 0 : checkerboard_size[1]
    ].T.reshape(-1, 2)

    # Arrays to store object points and image points from all the images.
    objpoints = []  # 3d point in real world space
    imgpoints = []  # 2d points in image plane.

    for img in tqdm(images):
        p = np.percentile(, [5, 95])
        img = rescale_intensity(
  , in_range=tuple(p.tolist()), out_range=(0, 255)

        # Find the chess board corners
        ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCornersSB(img, checkerboard_size)

        if ret == True:

    # sanity check
    if len(objpoints) < 0.8 * len(images):
            "Checkerboard detection failed on more than 20% percent of the images (only {:d} succeeded). Please consider preprocessing the images, such that the checkerboard has a better contrast.".format(

    ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(
        objpoints, imgpoints, images[0].shape[::-1], None, None
    newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(
        mtx, dist, img.shape, 1, img.shape

    return mtx, dist, newcameramtx, roi

def _compensate_flatfield(
    sequence: ModuleImageOrSequence, coeff: np.ndarray
) -> ModuleImageOrSequence:
    """Low level method to perform flat field correction"""

    def fn(data, coeff):
        res = coeff[0].copy()
        data = data.copy()
        for i in range(1, coeff.shape[0]):
            res += coeff[i] * data
            data *= data

        if res.min() < 0.0 or res.max() > 1.0:
                "Image exceeds datatype limits after FF-compensation. Clipping to limits.."
            res = np.clip(res, 0.0, 1.0)

        return res

    return sequence.apply_image_data(fn, coeff)

def _do_locate_reference_cell(
    image: Image, reference_area: int, scale: float = 0.1,
) -> Polygon:
    """Perform localization of reference cell"""

    # filter + binarize
    image_f = transform.rescale(, scale)

    thresh = filters.threshold_multiotsu(image_f, classes=5)[0]
    image_t = image_f > thresh

    # find regions
    labeled = morphology.label(image_t)
    regions = measure.regionprops(labeled)

    # drop areas that are not approximately square
    regions = [
        for r in regions
        if np.abs(r.bbox[2] - r.bbox[0]) / np.abs(r.bbox[3] - r.bbox[1]) > 0.8
        and np.abs(r.bbox[2] - r.bbox[0]) / np.abs(r.bbox[3] - r.bbox[1]) < 1.8

    # convert to Polygon
    tmp: List[Polygon] = []
    for r in regions:
        bbox = [int(r.bbox[i] * 1 / scale) for i in range(4)]
        y0, x0 = max(0, bbox[0]), max(0, bbox[1])
        y1, x1 = (
            min(image.shape[0], bbox[2]),
            min(image.shape[1], bbox[3]),
        box = Polygon.from_bounds(x0, y0, x1, y1)

    # drop boxes that intersect with others
    regions = [
        r for r in tmp if not np.any([x.intersects(r) and x is not r for x in tmp])

    if len(regions) == 0:
        return None

    # process regions
    area_dev = [np.abs((r.area - reference_area) / reference_area) for r in regions]
    min_dev_idx = np.argmin(area_dev)

    if area_dev[min_dev_idx] < 2.0:
        return affinity.scale(regions[min_dev_idx], xfact=0.5, yfact=0.5)
        return None

def _do_reference_scaling(
    image: Image, area: Polygon, ref: Union[float, int],
) -> Image:
    """Compute mean intensity over area area and rescale image"""
    original_type = image.dtype

    # compute statistics and scale
    x, y = list(zip(*area.exterior.coords))
    xmin, xmax = np.min(x), np.max(x)
    ymin, ymax = np.min(y), np.max(y)
    median = np.median([int(ymin) : int(ymax), int(xmin) : int(xmax)])
    data = ( * (ref / median)).astype(DTYPE_FLOAT)

    # convert to original datatype
    if original_type == DType.INT:
        data = data.astype(DTYPE_INT)
    elif original_type == DType.UNSIGNED_INT:
        data = data.astype(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)

    return image.from_other(image, data=data, meta={"calibration_reference_box": area})

def compensate_flatfield(
    sequence: ModuleImageOrSequence, coeff: np.ndarray
) -> ModuleImageOrSequence:
    """Perform flat field correction

        sequence (ModuleImageOrSequence): Sequence of images or single image
        coeff (np.ndarray): Compensation coefficients

        sequence: The corrected images
    otype = sequence.dtype
    sequence = sequence.as_type(DType.FLOAT)
    sequence = _compensate_flatfield(sequence, coeff)
    if otype is not None:
        sequence = sequence.as_type(otype)

    return sequence

def compensate_distortion(
    sequence: ModuleImageOrSequence,
    mtx: np.ndarray,
    dist: np.ndarray,
    newcameramtx: np.ndarray,
    roi: Tuple[int, int, int, int],
) -> ModuleImageOrSequence:
    """Perform lens distortion correction

        sequence (ModuleImageOrSequence): Sequence of images or single image
        mtx (np.ndarray): Matrix of instrinsic camera parameters
        dist (np.ndarray): Matrix of distortion coefficients
        newcameramtx (np.ndarray): Matrix that performs additional scaling to account for black borders
        roi (Tuple[int, int, int, int]): ROI of valid pixels

        sequence: The corrected images

    def corr(x):
        dst = cv2.undistort(x, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx)
        return dst[roi[0] : roi[2], roi[1] : roi[3]]

    return sequence.apply_image_data(corr)

class Calibration:
    """Handles camera calibration and processing of images"""

    def __init__(self, ff_poly_order: int = -1, ff_use_median: bool = True):
        """Initialize calibration object

            ff_poly_order (int): Order of flat-field compensation polynomial. The order is chosen automatically, if order == -1 (default)
            ff_use_median (bool): Use the median of all images with the same target

        self._ff_poly_order = ff_poly_order
        self._ff_use_median = ff_use_median
        self._ff_calibration = None
        self._ff_dtype = None
        self._dist_calibration = None

    def calibrate_flatfield(
        self, images: Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]], targets: List[float]
        """Perform flat-field calibration. Note that there might be several calibration shots
        with the same normalization target. In that case, a least-squares estimate is computed.

            images (Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]]): Sequence of calibration shots
            targets (List[float]): Corresponding list of calibration targets. If images is an ImageSequence, specify
                one target per element of the sequence. If images is a list of ImageSequence, specify one target
                per element of the list. The targets specify normalized intensity of the flatfield calibration image.
        if np.max(targets) != 1.0:
            raise RuntimeError("One of the calibration targets must equal 1.0")
        if np.min(targets) != 0.0:
            raise RuntimeError("One of the calibration targets must equal 0.0")

        # store dtype for later checks
        self._ff_dtype = images[0].dtype

        self._ff_calibration = calibrate_flatfield(

    def calibrate_distortion(
        self, images: ImageSequence, checkerboard_size: Tuple[int, int]
        """Perform lens calibration

            images (ImageSequence): Sequence of calibration shots
            checkerboard_size (Tuple[int, int]): Size of the checkerboard (outer corners do not count)

        self._dist_calibration = calibrate_distortion(
            images=images, checkerboard_size=checkerboard_size

    def process(
        images: ImageOrSequence,
        flatfield: bool = True,
        distortion: bool = True,
        reference_cell_area: int = None,
        reference_intensity_key: str = None,
        """Process images and compensate camera artifacts, optionally normalize using reference cell

            images (ImageOrSequence): Sequence of images or single image
            clip_result (bool): Clip the result such that all pixels are in the range [0,1]
            flatfield (bool): Perform flat-field compensation
            distortion (bool): Perform distortion compensation
            reference_cell_area (int): Approximate area of the reference cell in pixels. If set
                images are automatically normalizes such that the reference cell intensity
                matches values given by meta attribute reference_intensity_key
            reference_intensity_key (str): Meta key that holds the reference intensity

        if self._ff_calibration is not None and flatfield:
            if images.dtype != self._ff_dtype:
                    "Datatype of images ({}) differs from calibration images {}. This might lead to incorrect results.".format(
                        images.dtype, self._ff_dtype
  "Processing flatfield compensation..")
            images = compensate_flatfield(images, self._ff_calibration)
        elif flatfield:
                "No flat-field calibration data available. Use calibrate_flatfield to perform calibration. Skipping flat-field compensation.."

        if self._dist_calibration is not None and distortion:
  "Processing distortion compensation..")
            images = compensate_distortion(images, *self._dist_calibration)
        elif distortion:
                "No distortion calibration data available. Use calibrate_distortion to perform calibration. Skipping distortion compensation.."

        if reference_cell_area is not None and reference_intensity_key is not None:

            def fn(x: Image):
                box = _do_locate_reference_cell(x, reference_cell_area)
                if box is not None:
                    return _do_reference_scaling(
                        x, box, x.get_meta(reference_intensity_key)
                        "Reference cell could not be detected for {}. Image is left unscaled!".format(
                    return x

  "Processing reference scaling..")
            images = images.apply(fn)

        return images

    def save(self, path: PathOrStr):
        """Save calibration data to disk

            path (PathOrStr): Target to save file to

        with open(path, "wb") as f:
            pickle.dump(self, f)

def load_calibration(path: PathOrStr) -> Calibration:
    """Load calibration data from file

        path (PathOrStr): Path to calibration file
        calibration (Calibration): The calibration object

    with open(path, "rb") as f:
        return pickle.load(f)


def calibrate_distortion(images: ImageSequence, checkerboard_size: Tuple[int, int]) ‑> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, Tuple[int, int, int, int]]

Perform lens calibration


images : ImageSequence
Sequence of calibration shots
checkerboard_size : Tuple[int, int]
Size of the checkerboard (outer corners do not count)


Matrix of intrinsic camera parameters
Vectors of distortion coefficients (k1, k2, p1, p2, k3)
Matrix that performs additional scaling to account for black borders
ROI of valid pixels
Expand source code
def calibrate_distortion(
    images: ImageSequence, checkerboard_size: Tuple[int, int]
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
    """Perform lens calibration

        images (ImageSequence): Sequence of calibration shots
        checkerboard_size (Tuple[int, int]): Size of the checkerboard (outer corners do not count)

        mtx: Matrix of intrinsic camera parameters
        dist: Vectors of distortion coefficients (k1, k2, p1, p2, k3)
        newcameramtx: Matrix that performs additional scaling to account for black borders
        roi: ROI of valid pixels
    criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)

    # prepare object points, like (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (2,0,0) ....,(6,5,0)
    objp = np.zeros((checkerboard_size[0] * checkerboard_size[1], 3), np.float32)
    objp[:, :2] = np.mgrid[
        0 : checkerboard_size[0], 0 : checkerboard_size[1]
    ].T.reshape(-1, 2)

    # Arrays to store object points and image points from all the images.
    objpoints = []  # 3d point in real world space
    imgpoints = []  # 2d points in image plane.

    for img in tqdm(images):
        p = np.percentile(, [5, 95])
        img = rescale_intensity(
  , in_range=tuple(p.tolist()), out_range=(0, 255)

        # Find the chess board corners
        ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCornersSB(img, checkerboard_size)

        if ret == True:

    # sanity check
    if len(objpoints) < 0.8 * len(images):
            "Checkerboard detection failed on more than 20% percent of the images (only {:d} succeeded). Please consider preprocessing the images, such that the checkerboard has a better contrast.".format(

    ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(
        objpoints, imgpoints, images[0].shape[::-1], None, None
    newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(
        mtx, dist, img.shape, 1, img.shape

    return mtx, dist, newcameramtx, roi
def calibrate_flatfield(images: Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]], targets: List[float], order: int = -1, use_median: bool = True) ‑> 

Perform flat-field calibration. Note that there might be several calibration shots with the same normalization target. In that case, a least-squares estimate is computed.


images : Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]]
Sequence of calibration shots or list of sequences
targets : List[float]
Corresponding list of calibration targets. If images is an ImageSequence, specify one target per element of the sequence. If images is a list of ImageSequence, specify one target per element of the list. The targets specify normalized intensity of the flatfield calibration image.
order : int
Order of compensation polynomial. The order is chosen automatically, if order == -1 (default)
use_median : bool
Use the median of all images with the same target


order+1 coefficients starting with the lowest order coefficient
Expand source code
def calibrate_flatfield(
    images: Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]],
    targets: List[float],
    order: int = -1,
    use_median: bool = True,
) -> np.array:
    """Perform flat-field calibration. Note that there might be several calibration shots
    with the same normalization target. In that case, a least-squares estimate is computed.

        images (Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]]): Sequence of calibration shots or list of sequences
        targets (List[float]): Corresponding list of calibration targets. If images is an ImageSequence, specify
            one target per element of the sequence. If images is a list of ImageSequence, specify one target
            per element of the list. The targets specify normalized intensity of the flatfield calibration image.
        order (int): Order of compensation polynomial. The order is chosen automatically, if order == -1 (default)
        use_median (bool): Use the median of all images with the same target

        coeff: order+1 coefficients starting with the lowest order coefficient
    if order == 0:
        raise InvalidArgumentException("Order of flat-field-polynom must not be 0")
    if order > len(images) - 1:
        raise MisconfigurationException(
            "Need at least {:d} images to calibrate a flat-field-polynom of degree {:d} ({:d} given)".format(
                order + 1, order, len(images)

    # flatten multiple sequences
    if isinstance(images, list):
        images_new, targets_new = list(), list()
        for l, t in zip(images, targets):
            targets_new += [t] * len(l)
            images_new += l.images
        targets = targets_new
        images = ImageSequence(images=images_new, same_camera=True)

    # assure float type
    images = images.as_type(DType.FLOAT)

    if use_median:
        images_new = list()
        targets_new = list()

        for i1, t1 in enumerate(set(targets)):
            group = list()
            for i2, t2 in enumerate(targets):
                if t1 == t2:
            images_new.append(np.median(group, axis=0))

        return _calibrate_flatfield(images=images_new, targets=targets_new, order=order)

    return _calibrate_flatfield(
        images=[ for img in images], targets=targets, order=order
def compensate_distortion(sequence: Union[ModuleImageSequenceModuleImagePartialModuleImageImage], mtx: numpy.ndarray, dist: numpy.ndarray, newcameramtx: numpy.ndarray, roi: Tuple[int, int, int, int]) ‑> Union[ModuleImageSequenceModuleImagePartialModuleImageImage]

Perform lens distortion correction


sequence : ModuleImageOrSequence
Sequence of images or single image
mtx : np.ndarray
Matrix of instrinsic camera parameters
dist : np.ndarray
Matrix of distortion coefficients
newcameramtx : np.ndarray
Matrix that performs additional scaling to account for black borders
roi : Tuple[int, int, int, int]
ROI of valid pixels


The corrected images
Expand source code
def compensate_distortion(
    sequence: ModuleImageOrSequence,
    mtx: np.ndarray,
    dist: np.ndarray,
    newcameramtx: np.ndarray,
    roi: Tuple[int, int, int, int],
) -> ModuleImageOrSequence:
    """Perform lens distortion correction

        sequence (ModuleImageOrSequence): Sequence of images or single image
        mtx (np.ndarray): Matrix of instrinsic camera parameters
        dist (np.ndarray): Matrix of distortion coefficients
        newcameramtx (np.ndarray): Matrix that performs additional scaling to account for black borders
        roi (Tuple[int, int, int, int]): ROI of valid pixels

        sequence: The corrected images

    def corr(x):
        dst = cv2.undistort(x, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx)
        return dst[roi[0] : roi[2], roi[1] : roi[3]]

    return sequence.apply_image_data(corr)
def compensate_flatfield(sequence: Union[ModuleImageSequenceModuleImagePartialModuleImageImage], coeff: numpy.ndarray) ‑> Union[ModuleImageSequenceModuleImagePartialModuleImageImage]

Perform flat field correction


sequence : ModuleImageOrSequence
Sequence of images or single image
coeff : np.ndarray
Compensation coefficients


The corrected images
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def compensate_flatfield(
    sequence: ModuleImageOrSequence, coeff: np.ndarray
) -> ModuleImageOrSequence:
    """Perform flat field correction

        sequence (ModuleImageOrSequence): Sequence of images or single image
        coeff (np.ndarray): Compensation coefficients

        sequence: The corrected images
    otype = sequence.dtype
    sequence = sequence.as_type(DType.FLOAT)
    sequence = _compensate_flatfield(sequence, coeff)
    if otype is not None:
        sequence = sequence.as_type(otype)

    return sequence
def load_calibration(path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) ‑> Calibration

Load calibration data from file


path : PathOrStr
Path to calibration file


calibration (Calibration): The calibration object

Expand source code
def load_calibration(path: PathOrStr) -> Calibration:
    """Load calibration data from file

        path (PathOrStr): Path to calibration file
        calibration (Calibration): The calibration object

    with open(path, "rb") as f:
        return pickle.load(f)


class Calibration (ff_poly_order: int = -1, ff_use_median: bool = True)

Handles camera calibration and processing of images

Initialize calibration object


ff_poly_order : int
Order of flat-field compensation polynomial. The order is chosen automatically, if order == -1 (default)
ff_use_median : bool
Use the median of all images with the same target
Expand source code
class Calibration:
    """Handles camera calibration and processing of images"""

    def __init__(self, ff_poly_order: int = -1, ff_use_median: bool = True):
        """Initialize calibration object

            ff_poly_order (int): Order of flat-field compensation polynomial. The order is chosen automatically, if order == -1 (default)
            ff_use_median (bool): Use the median of all images with the same target

        self._ff_poly_order = ff_poly_order
        self._ff_use_median = ff_use_median
        self._ff_calibration = None
        self._ff_dtype = None
        self._dist_calibration = None

    def calibrate_flatfield(
        self, images: Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]], targets: List[float]
        """Perform flat-field calibration. Note that there might be several calibration shots
        with the same normalization target. In that case, a least-squares estimate is computed.

            images (Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]]): Sequence of calibration shots
            targets (List[float]): Corresponding list of calibration targets. If images is an ImageSequence, specify
                one target per element of the sequence. If images is a list of ImageSequence, specify one target
                per element of the list. The targets specify normalized intensity of the flatfield calibration image.
        if np.max(targets) != 1.0:
            raise RuntimeError("One of the calibration targets must equal 1.0")
        if np.min(targets) != 0.0:
            raise RuntimeError("One of the calibration targets must equal 0.0")

        # store dtype for later checks
        self._ff_dtype = images[0].dtype

        self._ff_calibration = calibrate_flatfield(

    def calibrate_distortion(
        self, images: ImageSequence, checkerboard_size: Tuple[int, int]
        """Perform lens calibration

            images (ImageSequence): Sequence of calibration shots
            checkerboard_size (Tuple[int, int]): Size of the checkerboard (outer corners do not count)

        self._dist_calibration = calibrate_distortion(
            images=images, checkerboard_size=checkerboard_size

    def process(
        images: ImageOrSequence,
        flatfield: bool = True,
        distortion: bool = True,
        reference_cell_area: int = None,
        reference_intensity_key: str = None,
        """Process images and compensate camera artifacts, optionally normalize using reference cell

            images (ImageOrSequence): Sequence of images or single image
            clip_result (bool): Clip the result such that all pixels are in the range [0,1]
            flatfield (bool): Perform flat-field compensation
            distortion (bool): Perform distortion compensation
            reference_cell_area (int): Approximate area of the reference cell in pixels. If set
                images are automatically normalizes such that the reference cell intensity
                matches values given by meta attribute reference_intensity_key
            reference_intensity_key (str): Meta key that holds the reference intensity

        if self._ff_calibration is not None and flatfield:
            if images.dtype != self._ff_dtype:
                    "Datatype of images ({}) differs from calibration images {}. This might lead to incorrect results.".format(
                        images.dtype, self._ff_dtype
  "Processing flatfield compensation..")
            images = compensate_flatfield(images, self._ff_calibration)
        elif flatfield:
                "No flat-field calibration data available. Use calibrate_flatfield to perform calibration. Skipping flat-field compensation.."

        if self._dist_calibration is not None and distortion:
  "Processing distortion compensation..")
            images = compensate_distortion(images, *self._dist_calibration)
        elif distortion:
                "No distortion calibration data available. Use calibrate_distortion to perform calibration. Skipping distortion compensation.."

        if reference_cell_area is not None and reference_intensity_key is not None:

            def fn(x: Image):
                box = _do_locate_reference_cell(x, reference_cell_area)
                if box is not None:
                    return _do_reference_scaling(
                        x, box, x.get_meta(reference_intensity_key)
                        "Reference cell could not be detected for {}. Image is left unscaled!".format(
                    return x

  "Processing reference scaling..")
            images = images.apply(fn)

        return images

    def save(self, path: PathOrStr):
        """Save calibration data to disk

            path (PathOrStr): Target to save file to

        with open(path, "wb") as f:
            pickle.dump(self, f)


def calibrate_distortion(self, images: ImageSequence, checkerboard_size: Tuple[int, int])

Perform lens calibration


images : ImageSequence
Sequence of calibration shots
checkerboard_size : Tuple[int, int]
Size of the checkerboard (outer corners do not count)
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def calibrate_distortion(
    self, images: ImageSequence, checkerboard_size: Tuple[int, int]
    """Perform lens calibration

        images (ImageSequence): Sequence of calibration shots
        checkerboard_size (Tuple[int, int]): Size of the checkerboard (outer corners do not count)

    self._dist_calibration = calibrate_distortion(
        images=images, checkerboard_size=checkerboard_size
def calibrate_flatfield(self, images: Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]], targets: List[float])

Perform flat-field calibration. Note that there might be several calibration shots with the same normalization target. In that case, a least-squares estimate is computed.


images : Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]]
Sequence of calibration shots
targets : List[float]
Corresponding list of calibration targets. If images is an ImageSequence, specify one target per element of the sequence. If images is a list of ImageSequence, specify one target per element of the list. The targets specify normalized intensity of the flatfield calibration image.
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def calibrate_flatfield(
    self, images: Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]], targets: List[float]
    """Perform flat-field calibration. Note that there might be several calibration shots
    with the same normalization target. In that case, a least-squares estimate is computed.

        images (Union[ImageSequence, List[ImageSequence]]): Sequence of calibration shots
        targets (List[float]): Corresponding list of calibration targets. If images is an ImageSequence, specify
            one target per element of the sequence. If images is a list of ImageSequence, specify one target
            per element of the list. The targets specify normalized intensity of the flatfield calibration image.
    if np.max(targets) != 1.0:
        raise RuntimeError("One of the calibration targets must equal 1.0")
    if np.min(targets) != 0.0:
        raise RuntimeError("One of the calibration targets must equal 0.0")

    # store dtype for later checks
    self._ff_dtype = images[0].dtype

    self._ff_calibration = calibrate_flatfield(
def process(self, images: Union[ImageImageSequence], flatfield: bool = True, distortion: bool = True, reference_cell_area: int = None, reference_intensity_key: str = None)

Process images and compensate camera artifacts, optionally normalize using reference cell


images : ImageOrSequence
Sequence of images or single image
clip_result : bool
Clip the result such that all pixels are in the range [0,1]
flatfield : bool
Perform flat-field compensation
distortion : bool
Perform distortion compensation
reference_cell_area : int
Approximate area of the reference cell in pixels. If set images are automatically normalizes such that the reference cell intensity matches values given by meta attribute reference_intensity_key
reference_intensity_key : str
Meta key that holds the reference intensity
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def process(
    images: ImageOrSequence,
    flatfield: bool = True,
    distortion: bool = True,
    reference_cell_area: int = None,
    reference_intensity_key: str = None,
    """Process images and compensate camera artifacts, optionally normalize using reference cell

        images (ImageOrSequence): Sequence of images or single image
        clip_result (bool): Clip the result such that all pixels are in the range [0,1]
        flatfield (bool): Perform flat-field compensation
        distortion (bool): Perform distortion compensation
        reference_cell_area (int): Approximate area of the reference cell in pixels. If set
            images are automatically normalizes such that the reference cell intensity
            matches values given by meta attribute reference_intensity_key
        reference_intensity_key (str): Meta key that holds the reference intensity

    if self._ff_calibration is not None and flatfield:
        if images.dtype != self._ff_dtype:
                "Datatype of images ({}) differs from calibration images {}. This might lead to incorrect results.".format(
                    images.dtype, self._ff_dtype
            )"Processing flatfield compensation..")
        images = compensate_flatfield(images, self._ff_calibration)
    elif flatfield:
            "No flat-field calibration data available. Use calibrate_flatfield to perform calibration. Skipping flat-field compensation.."

    if self._dist_calibration is not None and distortion:"Processing distortion compensation..")
        images = compensate_distortion(images, *self._dist_calibration)
    elif distortion:
            "No distortion calibration data available. Use calibrate_distortion to perform calibration. Skipping distortion compensation.."

    if reference_cell_area is not None and reference_intensity_key is not None:

        def fn(x: Image):
            box = _do_locate_reference_cell(x, reference_cell_area)
            if box is not None:
                return _do_reference_scaling(
                    x, box, x.get_meta(reference_intensity_key)
                    "Reference cell could not be detected for {}. Image is left unscaled!".format(
                return x"Processing reference scaling..")
        images = images.apply(fn)

    return images
def save(self, path: Union[pathlib.Path, str])

Save calibration data to disk


path : PathOrStr
Target to save file to
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def save(self, path: PathOrStr):
    """Save calibration data to disk

        path (PathOrStr): Target to save file to

    with open(path, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(self, f)