
Expand source code
from __future__ import annotations

"""Provides classes to store and visualize images with metadata"""

import copy
import inspect
import logging
import math
import re
import sys
from enum import Enum
from functools import lru_cache, partial, wraps
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pvinspect.common.transform import Transform
from skimage import img_as_float64, img_as_int, img_as_uint, io
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

# this is a pointer to the module object instance itself
this = sys.modules[__name__]

# modality
class Modality(Enum):
    EL_IMAGE = (0,)
    PL_IMAGE = 1

"""Indicate an electroluminescense (EL) image"""
"""Indicate a photoluminescense (PL) image"""

# datatypes
DTYPE_INT = np.int32
DTYPE_FLOAT = np.float64
img_as_float = img_as_float64

# caching

class DType(Enum):
    INT = 0
    FLOAT = 2

# global list of plugins that are called on every .show()
this.show_plugins = list()

def register_show_plugin(callable, priority: int = 0):
    """Register a new plugin that is called on every .show()

        callable: Callable that receives the image as a first argument and variable arguments to .show() next
        priority (int): Plugins are invoked in the order of increasing priority (highest priority is invoked
            last and hence appears on top)
    this.show_plugins.append((priority, callable))
    this.show_plugins = sorted(this.show_plugins, key=lambda x: x[0])

def _invoke_show_plugins(image, **kwargs):
    for p in this.show_plugins:
        p[1](image, **kwargs)

def _register_default_plugins():
    def show_cell_crossings(
        image: ModuleImage, show_cell_crossings: bool = True, **kwargs
        if (
            and isinstance(image, ModuleImage)
            and image.has_meta("transform")
            grid = image.grid()
            coords = image.get_meta("transform").__call__(grid)
            plt.scatter(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], c="yellow", marker="+")


    def multimodule_show_boxes(
        image: Image,
        multimodule_show_boxes: bool = True,
        multimodule_highlight_selection: bool = True,
        multimodule_boxes_linewidth: int = 2,
        if (
            and isinstance(image, Image)
            and image.has_meta("multimodule_boxes")
            for i, box in enumerate(image.get_meta("multimodule_boxes")):
                color = (
                    if i == image.get_meta("multimodule_index")
                    and multimodule_highlight_selection
                    else "yellow"


    def multimodule_show_numbers(
        image: Image,
        multimodule_show_numbers: bool = True,
        multimodule_highlight_selection: bool = True,
        multimodule_numbers_fontsize: int = 20,
        if (
            and isinstance(image, Image)
            and image.has_meta("multimodule_boxes")
            for i, box in enumerate(image.get_meta("multimodule_boxes")):
                bgcolor = (
                    if i == image.get_meta("multimodule_index")
                    and multimodule_highlight_selection
                    else "white"
                textcolor = (
                    if i == image.get_meta("multimodule_index")
                    and multimodule_highlight_selection
                    else "black"
                    bbox=dict(facecolor=bgcolor, alpha=0.8),


    def calibration_show_reference_box(
        image: Image,
        calibration_show_reference_box: bool = True,
        if (
            and isinstance(image, Image)
            and image.has_meta("calibration_reference_box")
                # linewidth=multimodule_boxes_linewidth,


    def segment_module_show_box(
        image: Image,
        segment_module_show_box: bool = True,
        if (
            and isinstance(image, Image)
            and image.has_meta("segment_module_original_box")


    def show_image(
        image: Image,
        clip_low: float = 0.001,
        clip_high: float = 99.999,
        colorbar: bool = True,
        clip_low = clip_low if clip_low is not None else 0.0
        clip_high = clip_high if clip_high is not None else 100.0
        p = np.percentile(image._data, [clip_low, clip_high])
        d = np.clip(image._data, p[0], p[1])
        plt.imshow(d, cmap="gray")
        if colorbar:

    register_show_plugin(show_image, -100)

    def axis_options(
        image: Image,
        show_axis: bool = True,
        show_title: bool = True,
        max_title_length: bool = 30,
        if not show_axis:
        if show_title:
            if isinstance(image, CellImage):
                t = "{} (r: {:d}, c: {:d})".format(
                    str(, image.row, image.col
            elif image.path is not None:
                t = str(
                t = ""

            if len(t) > max_title_length:
                l1 = max_title_length // 2 - 2
                l2 = max_title_length - l1 - 2
                t = t[:l1] + ".." + t[len(t) - l2 :]


    register_show_plugin(axis_options, -200)

class _Base:

    T = TypeVar("T")

    def from_other(
        cls: Type[T], other: T, drop_meta_types: List[Type] = None, **kwargs
    ) -> T:
        """Create a new image by partially overwriting the properties of another

            other (Image): The other image
            drop_meta_types (List[Type]): Drop any meta attributes that are insteanceof these types
            **kwargs: Arguments that should be overwritten
        required = inspect.getfullargspec(cls.__init__)[0]

        if "meta" in kwargs.keys() and isinstance(kwargs["meta"], dict):
            kwargs["meta"] = pd.Series(kwargs["meta"])

        other_args = dict()
        for name in required:
            if name == "meta" and "meta" in kwargs.keys():
                # joint meta dictionaries
                tmp = copy.copy(other._meta)
                if drop_meta_types is not None:
                    tmp = pd.Series(
                            k: v
                            for k, v in tmp.items()
                            if not np.any([isinstance(v, x) for x in drop_meta_types])
                kwargs["meta"] = kwargs["meta"].combine_first(tmp)

            if name not in kwargs.keys() and name != "self":

                # first, try public property, then private property, then meta attribute
                if name == "data":
                    other_args[name] = other._data
                elif hasattr(other, name):
                    other_args[name] = getattr(other, name)
                elif hasattr(other, "_" + name):
                    other_args[name] = getattr(other, "_" + name)
                elif isinstance(other, Image) and other.has_meta(name):
                    other_args[name] = other.get_meta(name)

                if name == "meta" and drop_meta_types is not None:
                    other_args[name] = {
                        k: v
                        for k, v in other_args[name].items()
                        if not np.any([isinstance(v, x) for x in drop_meta_types])

        return cls(**kwargs, **other_args)

    def from_self(self: T, drop_meta_types: List[Type] = None, **kwargs) -> T:
        return type(self).from_other(self, drop_meta_types=drop_meta_types, **kwargs)

class Image(_Base):
    """A general image"""

    def _map_numpy_dtype(dtype):
        if dtype == np.float32 or dtype == np.float64:
            return DType.FLOAT
        elif dtype == np.uint16 or dtype == np.uint32 or dtype == np.uint64:
            return DType.UNSIGNED_INT
        elif dtype == np.uint8:
            return DType.UNSIGNED_BYTE
        elif (
            dtype == np.int8
            or dtype == np.int16
            or dtype == np.int32
            or dtype == np.int64
            return DType.INT

    def _unify_dtypes(array):
        if (
            Image._map_numpy_dtype(array.dtype) == DType.UNSIGNED_INT
            and array.dtype != DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT
            if (
                array.max() > np.iinfo(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT).max
                or array.min() < np.iinfo(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT).min
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Datatype conversion to {} failed, since original data exceeds dtype limits.".format(
            return array.astype(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)
        if (
            Image._map_numpy_dtype(array.dtype) == DType.INT
            and array.dtype != DTYPE_INT
            if (
                array.max() > np.iinfo(DTYPE_INT).max
                or array.min() < np.iinfo(DTYPE_INT).min
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Datatype conversion to {} failed, since original data exceeds dtype limits.".format(
            return array.astype(DTYPE_INT)
        if (
            Image._map_numpy_dtype(array.dtype) == DType.FLOAT
            and array.dtype != DTYPE_FLOAT
            return array.astype(DTYPE_FLOAT)

        # default
        return array

    class LazyData:
        @lru_cache(maxsize=SEQUENCE_MAX_CACHE_SIZE, typed=True)
        def _load(
            load_fn: Callable[[], np.ndarray],
            checks: Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]],
        ) -> np.ndarray:
            data = load_fn()

            # perform data checks/conversions
            for check in checks:
                data = check(data)

            # make it immutable

            return data

        def __init__(self, load_fn: Callable[[], np.ndarray]):
            self._load_fn = load_fn
            self._checks: List[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = list()

        def __getattr__(self, name: str):
            # forward to numpy
            data = self._load(self._load_fn, tuple(self._checks))
            return getattr(data, name)

        def __getitem__(self, s):
            data = self._load(self._load_fn, tuple(self._checks))
            return data[s]

        def push_check(self, fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]):

        def load(self) -> np.ndarray:
            return self._load(self._load_fn, tuple(self._checks))

    def __init__(
        data: np.ndarray,
        path: Path = None,
        modality: Modality = None,
        meta: Union[Dict[str, Any], pd.Series] = None,
        """Create a new image. All non-float images as automatically converted to uint.

            data (np.ndarray): The image data
            path (Path): Path to the image
            modality (Modality): The imaging modality
            meta (Dict[str, Any]): Meta attributes of this image
        self._data = data
        self._meta = (
            if isinstance(meta, pd.Series)
            else pd.Series(meta)
            if meta is not None
            else pd.Series()
        self._meta["modality"] = modality
        self._meta["path"] = path.absolute() if path is not None else None

        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
            self._data = Image._unify_dtypes(self._data)

    def show(self, **kwargs):
        """Show this image"""
        _invoke_show_plugins(self, **kwargs)

    _T = TypeVar("T")

    def as_type(self: _T, dtype: DType) -> _T:
        if dtype == DType.FLOAT:
            return self.from_self(data=img_as_float(self._data))
        elif dtype == DType.UNSIGNED_INT:
            return self.from_self(data=img_as_uint(self._data))
        elif dtype == DType.INT:
            return self.from_self(data=img_as_int(self._data))

    def __add__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data + other._data)

    def __sub__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        if self.dtype == DType.UNSIGNED_INT:
            res = self._data.astype(DTYPE_INT) - other._data.astype(DTYPE_INT)
            iinfo = np.iinfo(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)
            res = np.clip(res, 0, iinfo.max)
            return self.from_self(data=res)
            return self.from_self(data=self._data - other._data)

    def __mul__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data * other._data)

    def __truediv__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != DType.FLOAT or other.dtype != DType.FLOAT:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must be of type float")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data / other._data)

    def __floordiv__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data // other._data)

    def __mod__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data % other._data)

    def __pow__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data ** other._data)

    def __deepcopy__(self: _T, memo) -> _T:
        # let behavior be determined by overridden attributes
        return type(self).from_other(self)

    def data(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """The underlying image data"""
        if isinstance(self._data, Image.LazyData):
            v = self._data.load()
            v = self._data.view()
        return v

    def path(self) -> Path:
        """Path to the original image"""
        return self.get_meta("path")

    def dtype(self) -> DType:
        """Datatype of the image"""
        return Image._map_numpy_dtype(self._data.dtype)

    def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Shape of the image"""
        return copy.deepcopy(

    def modality(self) -> Modality:
        """The imaging modality"""
        return self.get_meta("modality")

    def lazy(self) -> bool:
        """Check, if this is lazy loaded"""
        return isinstance(self._data, Image.LazyData)

    def get_meta(self, key: str) -> Any:
        """Access a meta attribute"""
        if isinstance(self._meta[key], np.ndarray):
            v = self._meta[key].view()
            return v
            return copy.copy(self._meta[key])

    def has_meta(self, key: str) -> bool:
        """Check if a meta attribute is set"""
        return key in self._meta.index

    def list_meta(self) -> List[str]:
        """List avaliable meta keys"""
        return list(self._meta.index)

    def meta_from_path(
        pattern: str,
        key: str,
        target_type: Type,
        group_n: int = 0,
        transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
    ) -> Image:
        """Extract meta information from path. The group_n'th matching group
        from pattern is used as meta value

            pattern (str): Regular expression used to parse meta
            key (str): Key of the meta attribute
            target_type (Type): Result is converted to this datatype
            group_n (int): Index of matching group
            transform (Callable[[Any], Any]): Optional function that is applied on the value
                before datatype conversion

            image (Image): Resulting Image
        s = str(self.path.absolute())
        res =, s)
        v =
        if transform is not None:
            v = transform(v)
        v = target_type(v)
        return self.from_self(meta={key: v})

    def meta_from_fn(self, fn: Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]) -> Image:
        """Extract meta data using given callable

            fn (Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]): Function used to extract meta data
            image (Image): Resulting Image
        return self.from_other(self, meta=fn(self))

    def _meta_to_pandas(self) -> pd.Series:
        """Convert (compatible) meta data to pandas series"""
        return self._meta

    def meta_to_pandas(self) -> pd.Series:
        """Convert (compatible) meta data to pandas series"""
        return copy.deepcopy(self._meta_to_pandas())

class ImageSequence(_Base):
    """An immutable sequence of images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence"""

    def _show(self, imgs: List[Image], cols: int, *args, **kwargs):
        N = len(imgs)
        rows = math.ceil(N / cols)

        # adjust the figure size
        if self.shape is not None:
            aspect = self.shape[0] / self.shape[1]
            aspect = 1.0
        plt.figure(figsize=(6 * cols, 6 * rows * aspect))

        for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
            plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1)
  *args, **kwargs)

    class _PandasHandler:
        def __init__(self, parent: ImageSequence):
            self._parent = parent

        class _Sub:
            def _result(self, pandas_result):
                if isinstance(pandas_result, pd.DataFrame):
                    idx = pandas_result.index.to_list()
                    result = [self._parent._images[i] for i in idx]
                    seq = type(self._parent).from_other(self._parent, images=result)
                    seq._meta_df = pandas_result.reset_index(drop=True)
                    return seq
                elif isinstance(pandas_result, pd.Series):
                    idx =
                    return self._parent[idx]

            def __init__(self, parent: ImageSequence, attr):
                self._parent = parent
                self._attr = attr

            def __call__(self, *argv, **kwargs):
                pandas_result = self._attr(*argv, **kwargs)
                return self._result(pandas_result)

            def __getitem__(self, arg):
                pandas_result = self._attr[arg]
                return self._result(pandas_result)

        def __getattr__(self, name):
            attr = getattr(self._parent.meta_to_pandas(), name)
            return self._Sub(self._parent, attr)

    def __init__(
        images: List[Image],
        same_camera: bool = False,
        """Initialize a module image sequence
            images (List[Image]): The list of images
            came_camera (bool): Indicates, if all images are from the same camera and hence share the same intrinsic parameters
            allow_different_dtypes (bool): Allow images to have different datatypes?

        self._images = images
        self._same_camera = same_camera
        self._allow_different_dtypes = allow_different_dtypes
        self._meta_df = None
        if len(self.images) == 0:
            logging.error("Creation of an empty sequence is not supported")

        # check that all have the same modality, dimension, dtype and module configuration
        shape = self.images[0].shape
        dtype = self.images[0].dtype
        modality = self.images[0].modality
        # for img in self.images:
        #    if img.dtype != dtype and not allow_different_dtypes:
        #        logging.error(
        #            'Cannot create sequence from mixed dtypes. Consider using the "allow_different_dtypes" argument, when reading images.'
        #        )
        #        exit()
        #    if img.shape != shape and same_camera:
        #        logging.error(
        #            'Cannot create sequence from mixed shapes. Consider using the "same_camera" argument, when reading images.'
        #        )
        #        exit()
        #    if img.modality != modality:
        #        logging.error("Cannot create a sequence from mixed modalities.")
        #        exit()

        # namespace for accessing pandas methods
        self.pandas = self._PandasHandler(self)

    def head(self, N: int = 4, cols: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
        """Show the first N images

            N (int): Number of images to show
            cols (int): How many images to show in a column
        self._show(self.images[:N], cols, *args, **kwargs)

    def tail(self, N: int = 4, cols: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
        """Show the last N images

            N (int): Number of images to show
            cols (int): How many images to show in a column
        self._show(self.images[-N:], cols, *args, **kwargs)

    _T = TypeVar("T")

    def apply(
        self, fn: Callable[[Image], Image], *argv, progress_bar: bool = True, **kwargs
    ) -> ImageSequence:
        """Apply the given callable on every image. Returns a copy of the
        original sequence

            fn (Callable[[Image], Image]): Callable that receives and returns an Image
            progress_bar (bool): Show progress bar?
            sequence (ImageSequence): The copy with modified images
        result = []
        p = tqdm if progress_bar else lambda x: x
        for img in p(self._images):
            result.append(fn(img, *argv, **kwargs))
        return self.from_self(images=result)

    def apply_image_data(
        self: _T,
        fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
        progress_bar: bool = True,
    ) -> _T:
        """Apply the given callable on every image data. Returns a copy of the
        original sequence with modified data

            fn (Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]): Callable that receives a np.ndarray
                and returns a np.ndarray. Note that the argument is immutable.
            progress_bar (bool): Show progress bar?
            sequence (ImageSequence): The copy with modified data
        result = []
        p = tqdm if progress_bar else lambda x: x
        for img in p(self._images):
            data =
            res = fn(data, *argv, **kwargs)
            result.append(type(img).from_other(img, data=res))
        return self.from_self(images=result)

    def meta_from_path(
        pattern: str,
        key: str,
        target_type: Type,
        group_n: int = 1,
        transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
    ) -> ImageSequence:
        """Extract meta information from path of individual aimges. The group_n'th matching group
        from pattern is used as meta value

            pattern (str): Regular expression used to parse meta
            key (str): Key of the meta attribute
            target_type (Type): Result is converted to this datatype
            group_n (int): Index of matching group
            transform (Callable[[Any], Any]): Optional function that is applied on the value
                before datatype conversion

            images (ImageSequence): Resulting ImageSequence
        result = []
        for img in self._images:
        return self.from_self(images=result)

    def meta_from_fn(
        self, fn: Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs
    ) -> ImageSequence:
        """Extract meta information using given function

            fn (Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]): Function that is applied on every element of the sequence
        return self.apply(fn=lambda x: x.meta_from_fn(fn), **kwargs)

    def meta_to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Convert meta from images to pandas DataFrame"""
        if self._meta_df is None:
            series = [img._meta_to_pandas() for img in self._images]
            self._meta_df = pd.DataFrame(data=series)
            self._meta_df = self._meta_df.astype(
                {"modality": str}
            )  # allow for easy comparison
        return self._meta_df.copy()  # pd.DataFrame has no writable flag :(

    def as_type(self: _T, dtype: DType) -> _T:
        """Convert sequence to specified dtype"""
        result = [img.as_type(dtype) for img in self._images]
        return self.from_self(images=result)

    def __add__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x + y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __sub__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x - y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __mul__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x * y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __truediv__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x / y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __floordiv__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x // y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __mod__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x % y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __pow__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x ** y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def images(self) -> List[Image]:
        """Access the list of images"""
        return self._images

    def dtype(self) -> DType:
        """Access the image datatype"""
        return self.images[0].dtype if not self._allow_different_dtypes else None

    def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Access the image shape"""
        return self.images[0].shape if self._same_camera else None

    def modality(self) -> Modality:
        """Access the imaging modaility"""
        return self.images[0].modality

    def same_camera(self) -> bool:
        """Indicate, if the images originate from the same camera"""
        return self._same_camera

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.images)

    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Image:
        return self.images[i]

ImageOrSequence = Union[Image, ImageSequence]

class CellImage(Image):
    """An image of a solar cell with additional meta data"""

    def __init__(
        data: np.ndarray,
        modality: Modality,
        row: int,
        col: int,
        path: Path = None,
        meta: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        """Initialize a cell image

            data (np.ndarray): The image data
            modality (Modality): The imaging modality
            path (Path): Path to the image
            row (int): Row index (zero-based)
            col (int): Cell index (zero-based)
            meta (Dict[str, Any]): Meta data

        super().__init__(data, path=path, modality=modality, meta=meta)
        self._meta["row"] = row
        self._meta["col"] = col

    def row(self) -> int:
        """0-based row index of the cell in the original module"""
        return self.get_meta("row")

    def col(self) -> int:
        """0-based column index of the cell in the original module"""
        return self.get_meta("col")

    def path(self) -> Path:
        """Get this images path"""
        p = super().path
        return Path(
            "{}_row{:02d}_col{:02d}{}".format(p.stem, self.row, self.col, p.suffix)

    def show(self, *argv, **kwargs):
        """Show this image"""
        super().show(*argv, **kwargs)

class CellImageSequence(ImageSequence):
    """An immutable sequence of cell images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence"""

    def __init__(self, images: List[CellImage]):
        """Initialize a module image sequence
            images (List[CellImage]): The list of images

        super().__init__(images, False)

class ModuleImage(Image):
    """An image of a solar module with additional meta data"""

    def __init__(
        data: np.ndarray,
        modality: Modality,
        path: Path = None,
        cols: int = None,
        rows: int = None,
        meta: dict = None,
        """Initialize a module image

            data (np.ndarray): The image data
            modality (Modality): The imaging modality
            path (Path): Path to the image
            cols (int): Number of cells in a column
            rows (int): Number of cells in a row

        super().__init__(data, path, modality, meta)
        self._meta["cols"] = cols
        self._meta["rows"] = rows

    def grid(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Create a grid of corners according to the module geometry
            grid: (cols*rows, 2)-array of coordinates on a regular grid

        if self.cols is not None and self.rows is not None:
            x, y = np.mgrid[0 : self.cols + 1 : 1, 0 : self.rows + 1 : 1]
            grid = np.stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten()], axis=1)
            return grid
            logging.error("Module geometry is not initialized")

    def cols(self):
        """Number of cell-columns"""
        return self.get_meta("cols")

    def rows(self):
        """Number of row-columns"""
        return self.get_meta("rows")

class PartialModuleImage(ModuleImage):
    """An image of a solar module with additional meta data"""

    def __init__(
        data: np.ndarray,
        modality: Modality,
        path: Path = None,
        cols: int = None,
        rows: int = None,
        first_col: int = None,
        first_row: int = None,
        meta: dict = None,
        """Initialize a module image

            data (np.ndarray): The image data
            modality (Modality): The imaging modality
            path (Path): Path to the image
            cols (int): Number of completely visible cells in a column
            rows (int): Number of completely visible cells in a row
            first_col (int): Index of the first complete column shown
            first_row (int): Index of the first complete row shown

        super().__init__(data, modality, path, cols, rows, meta)

        self._meta["first_col"] = first_col
        self._meta["first_row"] = first_row

    def grid(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Create a grid of corners according to the module geometry
            grid: (cols*rows, 2)-array of coordinates on a regular grid

        if self.cols is not None and self.rows is not None:
            x, y = np.mgrid[0 : self.cols + 1 : 1, 0 : self.rows + 1 : 1]
            if self.first_col and self.first_row:
                x += self.first_col
                y += self.first_row
            grid = np.stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten()], axis=1)
            return grid
            logging.error("Module geometry is not initialized")

    def first_col(self) -> Optional[int]:
        if self.has_meta("first_col"):
            return self.get_meta("first_col")
            return None

    def first_row(self) -> Optional[int]:
        if self.has_meta("first_row"):
            return self.get_meta("first_row")
            return None

ModuleOrPartialModuleImage = Union[ModuleImage, PartialModuleImage]

class ModuleImageSequence(ImageSequence):
    """An immutable sequence of module images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence"""

    def __init__(
        images: List[ModuleOrPartialModuleImage],
        same_camera: bool = False,
        """Initialize a module image sequence
            images (List[ModuleImage]): The list of images
            same_camera (bool): Indicates if all images are from the same camera
            allow_different_dtypes (bool): Allow images to have different datatypes?

        cols = images[0].cols
        rows = images[0].rows
        for img in images:
            if img.cols != cols:
                    "Cannot create sequence from different module configurations"
            if img.rows != rows:
                    "Cannot create sequence from different module configurations"

        super().__init__(images, same_camera, allow_different_dtypes)

ModuleImageOrSequence = Union[
    ModuleImageSequence, ModuleImage, PartialModuleImage, Image

def _sequence(*args):
    """Assure that the first argument is a sequence and handle the first return value accordingly"""

    def decorator_sequence(func):
        def wrapper_sequence(*args, **kwargs):
            if not isinstance(args[0], ImageSequence):
                args = list(args)
                args[0] = (
                    ModuleImageSequence([args[0]], same_camera=False)
                    if type(args[0]) == ModuleImage
                    else ImageSequence([args[0]], same_camera=False)
                unwrap = True
                unwrap = False
            res = func(*tuple(args), **kwargs)
            if unwrap and not disable_unwrap:
                if isinstance(res, tuple) and isinstance(res[0], ImageSequence):
                    res[0] = res[0].images[0]
                elif isinstance(res, ImageSequence):
                    res = res.images[0]
            return res

        return wrapper_sequence

    if len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0]):
        disable_unwrap = False
        return decorator_sequence(args[0])
        disable_unwrap = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else False
        return decorator_sequence

Global variables


Indicate an electroluminescense (EL) image


Indicate a photoluminescense (PL) image


def register_show_plugin(callable, priority: int = 0)

Register a new plugin that is called on every .show()


Callable that receives the image as a first argument and variable arguments to .show() next
priority : int
Plugins are invoked in the order of increasing priority (highest priority is invoked last and hence appears on top)
Expand source code
def register_show_plugin(callable, priority: int = 0):
    """Register a new plugin that is called on every .show()

        callable: Callable that receives the image as a first argument and variable arguments to .show() next
        priority (int): Plugins are invoked in the order of increasing priority (highest priority is invoked
            last and hence appears on top)
    this.show_plugins.append((priority, callable))
    this.show_plugins = sorted(this.show_plugins, key=lambda x: x[0])


class CellImage (data: np.ndarray, modality: Modality, row: int, col: int, path: Path = None, meta: Dict[str, Any] = None)

An image of a solar cell with additional meta data

Initialize a cell image


data : np.ndarray
The image data
modality : Modality
The imaging modality
path : Path
Path to the image
row : int
Row index (zero-based)
col : int
Cell index (zero-based)
meta : Dict[str, Any]
Meta data
Expand source code
class CellImage(Image):
    """An image of a solar cell with additional meta data"""

    def __init__(
        data: np.ndarray,
        modality: Modality,
        row: int,
        col: int,
        path: Path = None,
        meta: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        """Initialize a cell image

            data (np.ndarray): The image data
            modality (Modality): The imaging modality
            path (Path): Path to the image
            row (int): Row index (zero-based)
            col (int): Cell index (zero-based)
            meta (Dict[str, Any]): Meta data

        super().__init__(data, path=path, modality=modality, meta=meta)
        self._meta["row"] = row
        self._meta["col"] = col

    def row(self) -> int:
        """0-based row index of the cell in the original module"""
        return self.get_meta("row")

    def col(self) -> int:
        """0-based column index of the cell in the original module"""
        return self.get_meta("col")

    def path(self) -> Path:
        """Get this images path"""
        p = super().path
        return Path(
            "{}_row{:02d}_col{:02d}{}".format(p.stem, self.row, self.col, p.suffix)

    def show(self, *argv, **kwargs):
        """Show this image"""
        super().show(*argv, **kwargs)


  • Image

Instance variables

var col : int

0-based column index of the cell in the original module

Expand source code
def col(self) -> int:
    """0-based column index of the cell in the original module"""
    return self.get_meta("col")
var path : pathlib.Path

Get this images path

Expand source code
def path(self) -> Path:
    """Get this images path"""
    p = super().path
    return Path(
        "{}_row{:02d}_col{:02d}{}".format(p.stem, self.row, self.col, p.suffix)
var row : int

0-based row index of the cell in the original module

Expand source code
def row(self) -> int:
    """0-based row index of the cell in the original module"""
    return self.get_meta("row")

Inherited members

class CellImageSequence (images: List[CellImage])

An immutable sequence of cell images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence

Initialize a module image sequence


images : List[CellImage]
The list of images
Expand source code
class CellImageSequence(ImageSequence):
    """An immutable sequence of cell images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence"""

    def __init__(self, images: List[CellImage]):
        """Initialize a module image sequence
            images (List[CellImage]): The list of images

        super().__init__(images, False)


Inherited members

class DType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

Expand source code
class DType(Enum):
    INT = 0
    FLOAT = 2


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var INT
class Image (data: np.ndarray, path: Path = None, modality: Modality = None, meta: Union[Dict[str, Any], pd.Series] = None)

A general image

Create a new image. All non-float images as automatically converted to uint.


data : np.ndarray
The image data
path : Path
Path to the image
modality : Modality
The imaging modality
meta : Dict[str, Any]
Meta attributes of this image
Expand source code
class Image(_Base):
    """A general image"""

    def _map_numpy_dtype(dtype):
        if dtype == np.float32 or dtype == np.float64:
            return DType.FLOAT
        elif dtype == np.uint16 or dtype == np.uint32 or dtype == np.uint64:
            return DType.UNSIGNED_INT
        elif dtype == np.uint8:
            return DType.UNSIGNED_BYTE
        elif (
            dtype == np.int8
            or dtype == np.int16
            or dtype == np.int32
            or dtype == np.int64
            return DType.INT

    def _unify_dtypes(array):
        if (
            Image._map_numpy_dtype(array.dtype) == DType.UNSIGNED_INT
            and array.dtype != DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT
            if (
                array.max() > np.iinfo(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT).max
                or array.min() < np.iinfo(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT).min
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Datatype conversion to {} failed, since original data exceeds dtype limits.".format(
            return array.astype(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)
        if (
            Image._map_numpy_dtype(array.dtype) == DType.INT
            and array.dtype != DTYPE_INT
            if (
                array.max() > np.iinfo(DTYPE_INT).max
                or array.min() < np.iinfo(DTYPE_INT).min
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Datatype conversion to {} failed, since original data exceeds dtype limits.".format(
            return array.astype(DTYPE_INT)
        if (
            Image._map_numpy_dtype(array.dtype) == DType.FLOAT
            and array.dtype != DTYPE_FLOAT
            return array.astype(DTYPE_FLOAT)

        # default
        return array

    class LazyData:
        @lru_cache(maxsize=SEQUENCE_MAX_CACHE_SIZE, typed=True)
        def _load(
            load_fn: Callable[[], np.ndarray],
            checks: Tuple[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]],
        ) -> np.ndarray:
            data = load_fn()

            # perform data checks/conversions
            for check in checks:
                data = check(data)

            # make it immutable

            return data

        def __init__(self, load_fn: Callable[[], np.ndarray]):
            self._load_fn = load_fn
            self._checks: List[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = list()

        def __getattr__(self, name: str):
            # forward to numpy
            data = self._load(self._load_fn, tuple(self._checks))
            return getattr(data, name)

        def __getitem__(self, s):
            data = self._load(self._load_fn, tuple(self._checks))
            return data[s]

        def push_check(self, fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]):

        def load(self) -> np.ndarray:
            return self._load(self._load_fn, tuple(self._checks))

    def __init__(
        data: np.ndarray,
        path: Path = None,
        modality: Modality = None,
        meta: Union[Dict[str, Any], pd.Series] = None,
        """Create a new image. All non-float images as automatically converted to uint.

            data (np.ndarray): The image data
            path (Path): Path to the image
            modality (Modality): The imaging modality
            meta (Dict[str, Any]): Meta attributes of this image
        self._data = data
        self._meta = (
            if isinstance(meta, pd.Series)
            else pd.Series(meta)
            if meta is not None
            else pd.Series()
        self._meta["modality"] = modality
        self._meta["path"] = path.absolute() if path is not None else None

        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
            self._data = Image._unify_dtypes(self._data)

    def show(self, **kwargs):
        """Show this image"""
        _invoke_show_plugins(self, **kwargs)

    _T = TypeVar("T")

    def as_type(self: _T, dtype: DType) -> _T:
        if dtype == DType.FLOAT:
            return self.from_self(data=img_as_float(self._data))
        elif dtype == DType.UNSIGNED_INT:
            return self.from_self(data=img_as_uint(self._data))
        elif dtype == DType.INT:
            return self.from_self(data=img_as_int(self._data))

    def __add__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data + other._data)

    def __sub__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        if self.dtype == DType.UNSIGNED_INT:
            res = self._data.astype(DTYPE_INT) - other._data.astype(DTYPE_INT)
            iinfo = np.iinfo(DTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)
            res = np.clip(res, 0, iinfo.max)
            return self.from_self(data=res)
            return self.from_self(data=self._data - other._data)

    def __mul__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data * other._data)

    def __truediv__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != DType.FLOAT or other.dtype != DType.FLOAT:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must be of type float")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data / other._data)

    def __floordiv__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data // other._data)

    def __mod__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data % other._data)

    def __pow__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        if self.dtype != other.dtype:
            raise RuntimeError("Images must have the same datatype")
        return self.from_self(data=self._data ** other._data)

    def __deepcopy__(self: _T, memo) -> _T:
        # let behavior be determined by overridden attributes
        return type(self).from_other(self)

    def data(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """The underlying image data"""
        if isinstance(self._data, Image.LazyData):
            v = self._data.load()
            v = self._data.view()
        return v

    def path(self) -> Path:
        """Path to the original image"""
        return self.get_meta("path")

    def dtype(self) -> DType:
        """Datatype of the image"""
        return Image._map_numpy_dtype(self._data.dtype)

    def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Shape of the image"""
        return copy.deepcopy(

    def modality(self) -> Modality:
        """The imaging modality"""
        return self.get_meta("modality")

    def lazy(self) -> bool:
        """Check, if this is lazy loaded"""
        return isinstance(self._data, Image.LazyData)

    def get_meta(self, key: str) -> Any:
        """Access a meta attribute"""
        if isinstance(self._meta[key], np.ndarray):
            v = self._meta[key].view()
            return v
            return copy.copy(self._meta[key])

    def has_meta(self, key: str) -> bool:
        """Check if a meta attribute is set"""
        return key in self._meta.index

    def list_meta(self) -> List[str]:
        """List avaliable meta keys"""
        return list(self._meta.index)

    def meta_from_path(
        pattern: str,
        key: str,
        target_type: Type,
        group_n: int = 0,
        transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
    ) -> Image:
        """Extract meta information from path. The group_n'th matching group
        from pattern is used as meta value

            pattern (str): Regular expression used to parse meta
            key (str): Key of the meta attribute
            target_type (Type): Result is converted to this datatype
            group_n (int): Index of matching group
            transform (Callable[[Any], Any]): Optional function that is applied on the value
                before datatype conversion

            image (Image): Resulting Image
        s = str(self.path.absolute())
        res =, s)
        v =
        if transform is not None:
            v = transform(v)
        v = target_type(v)
        return self.from_self(meta={key: v})

    def meta_from_fn(self, fn: Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]) -> Image:
        """Extract meta data using given callable

            fn (Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]): Function used to extract meta data
            image (Image): Resulting Image
        return self.from_other(self, meta=fn(self))

    def _meta_to_pandas(self) -> pd.Series:
        """Convert (compatible) meta data to pandas series"""
        return self._meta

    def meta_to_pandas(self) -> pd.Series:
        """Convert (compatible) meta data to pandas series"""
        return copy.deepcopy(self._meta_to_pandas())




Class variables

var LazyData

Instance variables

var data : numpy.ndarray

The underlying image data

Expand source code
def data(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """The underlying image data"""
    if isinstance(self._data, Image.LazyData):
        v = self._data.load()
        v = self._data.view()
    return v
var dtypeDType

Datatype of the image

Expand source code
def dtype(self) -> DType:
    """Datatype of the image"""
    return Image._map_numpy_dtype(self._data.dtype)
var lazy : bool

Check, if this is lazy loaded

Expand source code
def lazy(self) -> bool:
    """Check, if this is lazy loaded"""
    return isinstance(self._data, Image.LazyData)
var modalityModality

The imaging modality

Expand source code
def modality(self) -> Modality:
    """The imaging modality"""
    return self.get_meta("modality")
var path : pathlib.Path

Path to the original image

Expand source code
def path(self) -> Path:
    """Path to the original image"""
    return self.get_meta("path")
var shape : Tuple[int, int]

Shape of the image

Expand source code
def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    """Shape of the image"""
    return copy.deepcopy(


def as_type(self: _T, dtype: DType) ‑> _T
Expand source code
def as_type(self: _T, dtype: DType) -> _T:
    if dtype == DType.FLOAT:
        return self.from_self(data=img_as_float(self._data))
    elif dtype == DType.UNSIGNED_INT:
        return self.from_self(data=img_as_uint(self._data))
    elif dtype == DType.INT:
        return self.from_self(data=img_as_int(self._data))
def get_meta(self, key: str) ‑> Any

Access a meta attribute

Expand source code
def get_meta(self, key: str) -> Any:
    """Access a meta attribute"""
    if isinstance(self._meta[key], np.ndarray):
        v = self._meta[key].view()
        return v
        return copy.copy(self._meta[key])
def has_meta(self, key: str) ‑> bool

Check if a meta attribute is set

Expand source code
def has_meta(self, key: str) -> bool:
    """Check if a meta attribute is set"""
    return key in self._meta.index
def list_meta(self) ‑> List[str]

List avaliable meta keys

Expand source code
def list_meta(self) -> List[str]:
    """List avaliable meta keys"""
    return list(self._meta.index)
def meta_from_fn(self, fn: Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]) ‑> Image

Extract meta data using given callable


fn : Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]
Function used to extract meta data

Returns image (Image): Resulting Image

Expand source code
def meta_from_fn(self, fn: Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]) -> Image:
    """Extract meta data using given callable

        fn (Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]): Function used to extract meta data
        image (Image): Resulting Image
    return self.from_other(self, meta=fn(self))
def meta_from_path(self, pattern: str, key: str, target_type: Type, group_n: int = 0, transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None) ‑> Image

Extract meta information from path. The group_n'th matching group from pattern is used as meta value


pattern : str
Regular expression used to parse meta
key : str
Key of the meta attribute
target_type : Type
Result is converted to this datatype
group_n : int
Index of matching group
transform : Callable[[Any], Any]
Optional function that is applied on the value before datatype conversion


image (Image): Resulting Image

Expand source code
def meta_from_path(
    pattern: str,
    key: str,
    target_type: Type,
    group_n: int = 0,
    transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
) -> Image:
    """Extract meta information from path. The group_n'th matching group
    from pattern is used as meta value

        pattern (str): Regular expression used to parse meta
        key (str): Key of the meta attribute
        target_type (Type): Result is converted to this datatype
        group_n (int): Index of matching group
        transform (Callable[[Any], Any]): Optional function that is applied on the value
            before datatype conversion

        image (Image): Resulting Image
    s = str(self.path.absolute())
    res =, s)
    v =
    if transform is not None:
        v = transform(v)
    v = target_type(v)
    return self.from_self(meta={key: v})
def meta_to_pandas(self) ‑> pandas.core.series.Series

Convert (compatible) meta data to pandas series

Expand source code
def meta_to_pandas(self) -> pd.Series:
    """Convert (compatible) meta data to pandas series"""
    return copy.deepcopy(self._meta_to_pandas())
def show(self, **kwargs)

Show this image

Expand source code
def show(self, **kwargs):
    """Show this image"""
    _invoke_show_plugins(self, **kwargs)
class ImageSequence (images: List[Image], same_camera: bool = False, allow_different_dtypes=False)

An immutable sequence of images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence

Initialize a module image sequence


images : List[Image]
The list of images
came_camera : bool
Indicates, if all images are from the same camera and hence share the same intrinsic parameters
allow_different_dtypes : bool
Allow images to have different datatypes?
Expand source code
class ImageSequence(_Base):
    """An immutable sequence of images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence"""

    def _show(self, imgs: List[Image], cols: int, *args, **kwargs):
        N = len(imgs)
        rows = math.ceil(N / cols)

        # adjust the figure size
        if self.shape is not None:
            aspect = self.shape[0] / self.shape[1]
            aspect = 1.0
        plt.figure(figsize=(6 * cols, 6 * rows * aspect))

        for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
            plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1)
  *args, **kwargs)

    class _PandasHandler:
        def __init__(self, parent: ImageSequence):
            self._parent = parent

        class _Sub:
            def _result(self, pandas_result):
                if isinstance(pandas_result, pd.DataFrame):
                    idx = pandas_result.index.to_list()
                    result = [self._parent._images[i] for i in idx]
                    seq = type(self._parent).from_other(self._parent, images=result)
                    seq._meta_df = pandas_result.reset_index(drop=True)
                    return seq
                elif isinstance(pandas_result, pd.Series):
                    idx =
                    return self._parent[idx]

            def __init__(self, parent: ImageSequence, attr):
                self._parent = parent
                self._attr = attr

            def __call__(self, *argv, **kwargs):
                pandas_result = self._attr(*argv, **kwargs)
                return self._result(pandas_result)

            def __getitem__(self, arg):
                pandas_result = self._attr[arg]
                return self._result(pandas_result)

        def __getattr__(self, name):
            attr = getattr(self._parent.meta_to_pandas(), name)
            return self._Sub(self._parent, attr)

    def __init__(
        images: List[Image],
        same_camera: bool = False,
        """Initialize a module image sequence
            images (List[Image]): The list of images
            came_camera (bool): Indicates, if all images are from the same camera and hence share the same intrinsic parameters
            allow_different_dtypes (bool): Allow images to have different datatypes?

        self._images = images
        self._same_camera = same_camera
        self._allow_different_dtypes = allow_different_dtypes
        self._meta_df = None
        if len(self.images) == 0:
            logging.error("Creation of an empty sequence is not supported")

        # check that all have the same modality, dimension, dtype and module configuration
        shape = self.images[0].shape
        dtype = self.images[0].dtype
        modality = self.images[0].modality
        # for img in self.images:
        #    if img.dtype != dtype and not allow_different_dtypes:
        #        logging.error(
        #            'Cannot create sequence from mixed dtypes. Consider using the "allow_different_dtypes" argument, when reading images.'
        #        )
        #        exit()
        #    if img.shape != shape and same_camera:
        #        logging.error(
        #            'Cannot create sequence from mixed shapes. Consider using the "same_camera" argument, when reading images.'
        #        )
        #        exit()
        #    if img.modality != modality:
        #        logging.error("Cannot create a sequence from mixed modalities.")
        #        exit()

        # namespace for accessing pandas methods
        self.pandas = self._PandasHandler(self)

    def head(self, N: int = 4, cols: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
        """Show the first N images

            N (int): Number of images to show
            cols (int): How many images to show in a column
        self._show(self.images[:N], cols, *args, **kwargs)

    def tail(self, N: int = 4, cols: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
        """Show the last N images

            N (int): Number of images to show
            cols (int): How many images to show in a column
        self._show(self.images[-N:], cols, *args, **kwargs)

    _T = TypeVar("T")

    def apply(
        self, fn: Callable[[Image], Image], *argv, progress_bar: bool = True, **kwargs
    ) -> ImageSequence:
        """Apply the given callable on every image. Returns a copy of the
        original sequence

            fn (Callable[[Image], Image]): Callable that receives and returns an Image
            progress_bar (bool): Show progress bar?
            sequence (ImageSequence): The copy with modified images
        result = []
        p = tqdm if progress_bar else lambda x: x
        for img in p(self._images):
            result.append(fn(img, *argv, **kwargs))
        return self.from_self(images=result)

    def apply_image_data(
        self: _T,
        fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
        progress_bar: bool = True,
    ) -> _T:
        """Apply the given callable on every image data. Returns a copy of the
        original sequence with modified data

            fn (Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]): Callable that receives a np.ndarray
                and returns a np.ndarray. Note that the argument is immutable.
            progress_bar (bool): Show progress bar?
            sequence (ImageSequence): The copy with modified data
        result = []
        p = tqdm if progress_bar else lambda x: x
        for img in p(self._images):
            data =
            res = fn(data, *argv, **kwargs)
            result.append(type(img).from_other(img, data=res))
        return self.from_self(images=result)

    def meta_from_path(
        pattern: str,
        key: str,
        target_type: Type,
        group_n: int = 1,
        transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
    ) -> ImageSequence:
        """Extract meta information from path of individual aimges. The group_n'th matching group
        from pattern is used as meta value

            pattern (str): Regular expression used to parse meta
            key (str): Key of the meta attribute
            target_type (Type): Result is converted to this datatype
            group_n (int): Index of matching group
            transform (Callable[[Any], Any]): Optional function that is applied on the value
                before datatype conversion

            images (ImageSequence): Resulting ImageSequence
        result = []
        for img in self._images:
        return self.from_self(images=result)

    def meta_from_fn(
        self, fn: Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs
    ) -> ImageSequence:
        """Extract meta information using given function

            fn (Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]): Function that is applied on every element of the sequence
        return self.apply(fn=lambda x: x.meta_from_fn(fn), **kwargs)

    def meta_to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Convert meta from images to pandas DataFrame"""
        if self._meta_df is None:
            series = [img._meta_to_pandas() for img in self._images]
            self._meta_df = pd.DataFrame(data=series)
            self._meta_df = self._meta_df.astype(
                {"modality": str}
            )  # allow for easy comparison
        return self._meta_df.copy()  # pd.DataFrame has no writable flag :(

    def as_type(self: _T, dtype: DType) -> _T:
        """Convert sequence to specified dtype"""
        result = [img.as_type(dtype) for img in self._images]
        return self.from_self(images=result)

    def __add__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x + y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __sub__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x - y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __mul__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x * y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __truediv__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x / y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __floordiv__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x // y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __mod__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x % y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def __pow__(self: _T, other: _T) -> _T:
        res = [x ** y for x, y in zip(self.images, other.images)]
        return self.from_self(images=res)

    def images(self) -> List[Image]:
        """Access the list of images"""
        return self._images

    def dtype(self) -> DType:
        """Access the image datatype"""
        return self.images[0].dtype if not self._allow_different_dtypes else None

    def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Access the image shape"""
        return self.images[0].shape if self._same_camera else None

    def modality(self) -> Modality:
        """Access the imaging modaility"""
        return self.images[0].modality

    def same_camera(self) -> bool:
        """Indicate, if the images originate from the same camera"""
        return self._same_camera

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.images)

    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> Image:
        return self.images[i]




Instance variables

var dtypeDType

Access the image datatype

Expand source code
def dtype(self) -> DType:
    """Access the image datatype"""
    return self.images[0].dtype if not self._allow_different_dtypes else None
var images : List[Image]

Access the list of images

Expand source code
def images(self) -> List[Image]:
    """Access the list of images"""
    return self._images
var modalityModality

Access the imaging modaility

Expand source code
def modality(self) -> Modality:
    """Access the imaging modaility"""
    return self.images[0].modality
var same_camera : bool

Indicate, if the images originate from the same camera

Expand source code
def same_camera(self) -> bool:
    """Indicate, if the images originate from the same camera"""
    return self._same_camera
var shape : Tuple[int, int]

Access the image shape

Expand source code
def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    """Access the image shape"""
    return self.images[0].shape if self._same_camera else None


def apply(self, fn: Callable[[Image], Image], *argv, progress_bar: bool = True, **kwargs) ‑> ImageSequence

Apply the given callable on every image. Returns a copy of the original sequence


fn : Callable[[Image], Image]
Callable that receives and returns an Image
progress_bar : bool
Show progress bar?


sequence (ImageSequence): The copy with modified images

Expand source code
def apply(
    self, fn: Callable[[Image], Image], *argv, progress_bar: bool = True, **kwargs
) -> ImageSequence:
    """Apply the given callable on every image. Returns a copy of the
    original sequence

        fn (Callable[[Image], Image]): Callable that receives and returns an Image
        progress_bar (bool): Show progress bar?
        sequence (ImageSequence): The copy with modified images
    result = []
    p = tqdm if progress_bar else lambda x: x
    for img in p(self._images):
        result.append(fn(img, *argv, **kwargs))
    return self.from_self(images=result)
def apply_image_data(self: _T, fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], *argv, progress_bar: bool = True, **kwargs) ‑> _T

Apply the given callable on every image data. Returns a copy of the original sequence with modified data


fn : Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]
Callable that receives a np.ndarray and returns a np.ndarray. Note that the argument is immutable.
progress_bar : bool
Show progress bar?


sequence (ImageSequence): The copy with modified data

Expand source code
def apply_image_data(
    self: _T,
    fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
    progress_bar: bool = True,
) -> _T:
    """Apply the given callable on every image data. Returns a copy of the
    original sequence with modified data

        fn (Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]): Callable that receives a np.ndarray
            and returns a np.ndarray. Note that the argument is immutable.
        progress_bar (bool): Show progress bar?
        sequence (ImageSequence): The copy with modified data
    result = []
    p = tqdm if progress_bar else lambda x: x
    for img in p(self._images):
        data =
        res = fn(data, *argv, **kwargs)
        result.append(type(img).from_other(img, data=res))
    return self.from_self(images=result)
def as_type(self: _T, dtype: DType) ‑> _T

Convert sequence to specified dtype

Expand source code
def as_type(self: _T, dtype: DType) -> _T:
    """Convert sequence to specified dtype"""
    result = [img.as_type(dtype) for img in self._images]
    return self.from_self(images=result)
def head(self, N: int = 4, cols: int = 2, *args, **kwargs)

Show the first N images


N : int
Number of images to show
cols : int
How many images to show in a column
Expand source code
def head(self, N: int = 4, cols: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
    """Show the first N images

        N (int): Number of images to show
        cols (int): How many images to show in a column
    self._show(self.images[:N], cols, *args, **kwargs)
def meta_from_fn(self, fn: Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs) ‑> ImageSequence

Extract meta information using given function


fn : Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]
Function that is applied on every element of the sequence
Expand source code
def meta_from_fn(
    self, fn: Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs
) -> ImageSequence:
    """Extract meta information using given function

        fn (Callable[[Image], Dict[str, Any]]): Function that is applied on every element of the sequence
    return self.apply(fn=lambda x: x.meta_from_fn(fn), **kwargs)
def meta_from_path(self, pattern: str, key: str, target_type: Type, group_n: int = 1, transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None) ‑> ImageSequence

Extract meta information from path of individual aimges. The group_n'th matching group from pattern is used as meta value


pattern : str
Regular expression used to parse meta
key : str
Key of the meta attribute
target_type : Type
Result is converted to this datatype
group_n : int
Index of matching group
transform : Callable[[Any], Any]
Optional function that is applied on the value before datatype conversion


images (ImageSequence): Resulting ImageSequence

Expand source code
def meta_from_path(
    pattern: str,
    key: str,
    target_type: Type,
    group_n: int = 1,
    transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
) -> ImageSequence:
    """Extract meta information from path of individual aimges. The group_n'th matching group
    from pattern is used as meta value

        pattern (str): Regular expression used to parse meta
        key (str): Key of the meta attribute
        target_type (Type): Result is converted to this datatype
        group_n (int): Index of matching group
        transform (Callable[[Any], Any]): Optional function that is applied on the value
            before datatype conversion

        images (ImageSequence): Resulting ImageSequence
    result = []
    for img in self._images:
    return self.from_self(images=result)
def meta_to_pandas(self) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Convert meta from images to pandas DataFrame

Expand source code
def meta_to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Convert meta from images to pandas DataFrame"""
    if self._meta_df is None:
        series = [img._meta_to_pandas() for img in self._images]
        self._meta_df = pd.DataFrame(data=series)
        self._meta_df = self._meta_df.astype(
            {"modality": str}
        )  # allow for easy comparison
    return self._meta_df.copy()  # pd.DataFrame has no writable flag :(
def tail(self, N: int = 4, cols: int = 2, *args, **kwargs)

Show the last N images


N : int
Number of images to show
cols : int
How many images to show in a column
Expand source code
def tail(self, N: int = 4, cols: int = 2, *args, **kwargs):
    """Show the last N images

        N (int): Number of images to show
        cols (int): How many images to show in a column
    self._show(self.images[-N:], cols, *args, **kwargs)
class Modality (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

Expand source code
class Modality(Enum):
    EL_IMAGE = (0,)
    PL_IMAGE = 1


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

class ModuleImage (data: np.ndarray, modality: Modality, path: Path = None, cols: int = None, rows: int = None, meta: dict = None)

An image of a solar module with additional meta data

Initialize a module image


data : np.ndarray
The image data
modality : Modality
The imaging modality
path : Path
Path to the image
cols : int
Number of cells in a column
rows : int
Number of cells in a row
Expand source code
class ModuleImage(Image):
    """An image of a solar module with additional meta data"""

    def __init__(
        data: np.ndarray,
        modality: Modality,
        path: Path = None,
        cols: int = None,
        rows: int = None,
        meta: dict = None,
        """Initialize a module image

            data (np.ndarray): The image data
            modality (Modality): The imaging modality
            path (Path): Path to the image
            cols (int): Number of cells in a column
            rows (int): Number of cells in a row

        super().__init__(data, path, modality, meta)
        self._meta["cols"] = cols
        self._meta["rows"] = rows

    def grid(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Create a grid of corners according to the module geometry
            grid: (cols*rows, 2)-array of coordinates on a regular grid

        if self.cols is not None and self.rows is not None:
            x, y = np.mgrid[0 : self.cols + 1 : 1, 0 : self.rows + 1 : 1]
            grid = np.stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten()], axis=1)
            return grid
            logging.error("Module geometry is not initialized")

    def cols(self):
        """Number of cell-columns"""
        return self.get_meta("cols")

    def rows(self):
        """Number of row-columns"""
        return self.get_meta("rows")


  • Image


Instance variables

var cols

Number of cell-columns

Expand source code
def cols(self):
    """Number of cell-columns"""
    return self.get_meta("cols")
var rows

Number of row-columns

Expand source code
def rows(self):
    """Number of row-columns"""
    return self.get_meta("rows")


def grid(self) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Create a grid of corners according to the module geometry


(cols*rows, 2)-array of coordinates on a regular grid
Expand source code
def grid(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Create a grid of corners according to the module geometry
        grid: (cols*rows, 2)-array of coordinates on a regular grid

    if self.cols is not None and self.rows is not None:
        x, y = np.mgrid[0 : self.cols + 1 : 1, 0 : self.rows + 1 : 1]
        grid = np.stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten()], axis=1)
        return grid
        logging.error("Module geometry is not initialized")

Inherited members

class ModuleImageSequence (images: List[ModuleOrPartialModuleImage], same_camera: bool = False, allow_different_dtypes=False)

An immutable sequence of module images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence

Initialize a module image sequence


images : List[ModuleImage]
The list of images
same_camera : bool
Indicates if all images are from the same camera
allow_different_dtypes : bool
Allow images to have different datatypes?
Expand source code
class ModuleImageSequence(ImageSequence):
    """An immutable sequence of module images, allowing for access to single images as well as analysis of the sequence"""

    def __init__(
        images: List[ModuleOrPartialModuleImage],
        same_camera: bool = False,
        """Initialize a module image sequence
            images (List[ModuleImage]): The list of images
            same_camera (bool): Indicates if all images are from the same camera
            allow_different_dtypes (bool): Allow images to have different datatypes?

        cols = images[0].cols
        rows = images[0].rows
        for img in images:
            if img.cols != cols:
                    "Cannot create sequence from different module configurations"
            if img.rows != rows:
                    "Cannot create sequence from different module configurations"

        super().__init__(images, same_camera, allow_different_dtypes)


Inherited members

class PartialModuleImage (data: np.ndarray, modality: Modality, path: Path = None, cols: int = None, rows: int = None, first_col: int = None, first_row: int = None, meta: dict = None)

An image of a solar module with additional meta data

Initialize a module image


data : np.ndarray
The image data
modality : Modality
The imaging modality
path : Path
Path to the image
cols : int
Number of completely visible cells in a column
rows : int
Number of completely visible cells in a row
first_col : int
Index of the first complete column shown
first_row : int
Index of the first complete row shown
Expand source code
class PartialModuleImage(ModuleImage):
    """An image of a solar module with additional meta data"""

    def __init__(
        data: np.ndarray,
        modality: Modality,
        path: Path = None,
        cols: int = None,
        rows: int = None,
        first_col: int = None,
        first_row: int = None,
        meta: dict = None,
        """Initialize a module image

            data (np.ndarray): The image data
            modality (Modality): The imaging modality
            path (Path): Path to the image
            cols (int): Number of completely visible cells in a column
            rows (int): Number of completely visible cells in a row
            first_col (int): Index of the first complete column shown
            first_row (int): Index of the first complete row shown

        super().__init__(data, modality, path, cols, rows, meta)

        self._meta["first_col"] = first_col
        self._meta["first_row"] = first_row

    def grid(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Create a grid of corners according to the module geometry
            grid: (cols*rows, 2)-array of coordinates on a regular grid

        if self.cols is not None and self.rows is not None:
            x, y = np.mgrid[0 : self.cols + 1 : 1, 0 : self.rows + 1 : 1]
            if self.first_col and self.first_row:
                x += self.first_col
                y += self.first_row
            grid = np.stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten()], axis=1)
            return grid
            logging.error("Module geometry is not initialized")

    def first_col(self) -> Optional[int]:
        if self.has_meta("first_col"):
            return self.get_meta("first_col")
            return None

    def first_row(self) -> Optional[int]:
        if self.has_meta("first_row"):
            return self.get_meta("first_row")
            return None


Instance variables

var first_col : Optional[int]
Expand source code
def first_col(self) -> Optional[int]:
    if self.has_meta("first_col"):
        return self.get_meta("first_col")
        return None
var first_row : Optional[int]
Expand source code
def first_row(self) -> Optional[int]:
    if self.has_meta("first_row"):
        return self.get_meta("first_row")
        return None

Inherited members