Module pvinspect.common.transform

Expand source code
import numpy as np
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.interpolate
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from functools import reduce
import cv2
from . import util

def _brown(coords, coeffs):
    N = len(coeffs)

    radius = np.sqrt(np.sum(coords ** 2, axis=1))
    factor = 1 + np.expand_dims(
        np.sum([kn * (radius ** (2 * (n + 1))) for n, kn in enumerate(coeffs)], axis=0),
    coords = coords * factor

    return coords

def _brown_oder1_inverse(coords, k):

    if k == 0.0:
        return coords

    ru = np.sqrt(np.sum(coords ** 2, axis=1))
    D = (27 * k ** 2 * ru) ** 2 + 4 * (3 * k) ** 3

    rd = np.empty_like(D)
    g1 = D >= 0
    if np.any(g1):
        tmp = np.sqrt((ru[g1] ** 2) / 4 + 1 / (27 * k))
        rd[g1] = np.cbrt(1 / k * (ru[g1] / 2 + tmp)) + np.cbrt(
            1 / k * (ru[g1] / 2 - tmp)
    g2 = D < 0
    if np.any(g2):
        rd[g2] = (
            * np.sqrt(-3 * k)
            / (3 * k)
            * np.cos(
                1 / 3 * np.arccos(27 * k ** 2 * ru[g2] / (2 * np.sqrt(-((3 * k) ** 3))))
                + 4 * np.pi / 3

    factor = rd / ru
    coords = coords * factor.reshape(-1, 1)

    return coords

def distort(coords, params):
    return _brown(coords, params)

def distort_inverse(coords, params):
    if len(params) > 1:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Inversion not implemented for more than 1 coefficient"
    return _brown_oder1_inverse(coords, params[0])

def _normalize_transform(coords, new_centroid=(0, 0), new_mean_distance=np.sqrt(2)):
    centroid = np.mean(coords, axis=0)
    scaling = new_mean_distance / np.mean(
        np.linalg.norm(coords - centroid.reshape(1, -1), axis=1)
    return np.array([[scaling, 0, -centroid[0]], [0, scaling, -centroid[1]], [0, 0, 1]])

def find_homography(src, dest, compute_residual=False):
        Estimate homography using normalized DLT

        TODO How handle cases where H[2,2] == 0?
    N = src.shape[0]
    dt = src.dtype
    normalize = N > 4

    if normalize:
        # compute transforms that normalize coordinates such that
        # centroid is at origin with average distance of sqrt(2)
        src_T = _normalize_transform(src)
        dest_T = _normalize_transform(dest)

        # normalize
        src_n = apply_homography(src, src_T)
        dest_n = apply_homography(dest, dest_T)
        src_n = src
        dest_n = dest

    # DLT
    A = np.zeros((2 * N, 9), dtype=np.float64)
    A[:N, 0] = src_n[:, 0]
    A[:N, 1] = src_n[:, 1]
    A[:N, 2] = 1
    A[:N, 6] = -dest_n[:, 0] * src_n[:, 0]
    A[:N, 7] = -dest_n[:, 0] * src_n[:, 1]
    A[:N, 8] = -dest_n[:, 0]
    A[N:, 3] = -src_n[:, 0]
    A[N:, 4] = -src_n[:, 1]
    A[N:, 5] = -1
    A[N:, 6] = dest_n[:, 1] * src_n[:, 0]
    A[N:, 7] = dest_n[:, 1] * src_n[:, 1]
    A[N:, 8] = dest_n[:, 1]

    U, sigma, VT = np.linalg.svd(A)
    # residual = sigma[-1]
    H = VT[-1].reshape(3, 3)

    # denormalize
    if normalize:
        H = np.linalg.inv(dest_T).dot(H).dot(src_T)

    if np.abs(H[2, 2]) != 0.0:
        H /= H[2, 2]
        H = None

    if compute_residual and normalize:
        if H is not None:
            tmp = apply_homography(src, H)
            residual = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(tmp - dest, ord=2, axis=1))
            return H, residual
            return None, None
    elif compute_residual:
        return H, sigma[-1]
        return H

def apply_homography(src, H):
    assert src.shape[-1] == 2
    src_flat = src.reshape(-1, 2)
    res = H[:, :2].dot(src_flat.T)
    res += H[:, 2].reshape(3, 1)
    with np.errstate(divide="ignore"):
        res[:2] /= res[2]
    return res[:2].T.reshape(src.shape)

def apply_pinhole(src, Rt, A, d, inverse=False):
    if not inverse:
        Rt = Rt[:, [0, 1, 3]]
        src = apply_homography(src, Rt)
        src = distort(src, d)
        return apply_homography(src, A)
        Rt = np.linalg.pinv(Rt[:, [0, 1, 3]])
        A = np.linalg.pinv(A)
        src = apply_homography(src, A)
        src = distort_inverse(src, d)
        return apply_homography(src, Rt)

def find_homography_ransac(src, dest, error_thresh_px, compute_residual=False):
    def model_f(mask):
        return find_homography(src[mask], dest[mask])

    def err_f(model):
        src_t = apply_homography(src, model)
        return np.linalg.norm(src_t - dest, axis=1) < error_thresh_px

    return util.ransac(src.shape[0], 4, model_f, err_f)

def _solve_PnP_wrap(src, dest, A, dist, n_dist_coeff):
    # coords in OpenCV compatible format
    src2 = []
    for src_i in src:
        src_i = np.concatenate([src_i, np.zeros((src_i.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
    dest2 = [x.astype(np.float32) for x in dest]

    Rt = list()
    if n_dist_coeff <= 4:
        k = np.zeros(4)
    elif n_dist_coeff <= 5:
        k = np.zeros(5)
    elif n_dist_coeff <= 8:
        k = np.zeros(8)
    k[:n_dist_coeff] = dist

    for s, d in zip(src2, dest2):
        retval, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(s, d, A, k)
        R = util.rodrigues2matrix(rvec)
        Rt.append(np.concatenate([R, tvec.reshape(3, 1)], axis=1))

    return Rt

def _calibrate_camera_wrap(
    src, dest, image_width, image_height, n_dist_coeff, mask=None
    # coords in OpenCV compatible format
    src2 = []
    for src_i in src:
        src_i = np.concatenate([src_i, np.zeros((src_i.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
    dest2 = [x.astype(np.float32) for x in dest]

    # mask
    if mask is not None:
        src2_m, dest2_m = util.filter_lists([src2, dest2], mask)
        src2_m, dest2_m = src2, dest2

    # calibrate
    if n_dist_coeff > 4 or n_dist_coeff == 3:
        raise NotImplementedError()
        flags = cv2.CALIB_FIX_K3
        if n_dist_coeff < 3:
            flags += cv2.CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST
        if n_dist_coeff < 2:
            flags += cv2.CALIB_FIX_K2
        if n_dist_coeff == 0:
            flags += cv2.CALIB_FIX_K1
    _, A, k, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(
        imageSize=(image_width, image_height),
        cameraMatrix=np.zeros((3, 3)),

    Rt = []
    if mask is not None:
        for s, d in zip(src2, dest2):
            retval, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(s, d, A, k)
            R = util.rodrigues2matrix(rvec)
            Rt.append(np.concatenate([R, tvec.reshape(3, 1)], axis=1))
        for rvec, tvec in zip(rvecs, tvecs):
            R = util.rodrigues2matrix(rvec)
            Rt.append(np.concatenate([R, tvec.reshape(3, 1)], axis=1))

    if n_dist_coeff > 0:
        return A, Rt, k.flatten()[:n_dist_coeff].tolist()
        return A, Rt

def find_full_model(src, dest, n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=False):
    N_images = len(src)

    # initial homographies
    H = [find_homography(s, d) for s, d in zip(src, dest)]
    errs = [
                src_i - apply_homography(dest_i, np.linalg.pinv(H_i)), axis=1
        for H_i, dest_i, src_i in zip(H, dest, src)

    # init intrinsics and extrinsics
    if ransac:
        thresh = 1.1 * np.array(errs)  # reprojection error must not become worse..

        def model_f(mask):
            return _calibrate_camera_wrap(src, dest, image_width, image_height, 0, mask)

        def err_f(model):
            A, Rt = model[0], model[1]
            dest_t = [
                apply_pinhole(dest_i, Rt_i, A, [0], inverse=True)
                for dest_i, Rt_i in zip(dest, Rt)
            err = [
                np.mean(np.linalg.norm(src_i - dest_t_i, axis=1))
                for src_i, dest_t_i in zip(src, dest_t)
            return np.array(err) < thresh

        model, inlier, _ = util.ransac(N_images, 3, model_f, err_f)
        A, Rt = model[0], model[1]

        Rt, src, dest = util.filter_lists([Rt, src, dest], inlier)

    # estimate using all inliers / all views
    A, Rt, k = _calibrate_camera_wrap(
        src, dest, image_width, image_height, n_dist_coeff

    if ransac:
        return Rt, A, k, inlier
        return Rt, A, k

def warp_image(img, transform, x0, y0, xstep, ystep, w, h, method="linear"):
    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x0, x0 + w, xstep), np.arange(y0, y0 + h, ystep))
    samples = np.stack((xi.flatten(), yi.flatten()), axis=1)
    samples = transform(samples)
    v = scipy.interpolate.interpn(
            np.arange(img.shape[0], dtype=np.float32),
            np.arange(img.shape[1], dtype=np.float32),
    return v.reshape((xi.shape[0], xi.shape[1]))

def warp_image_patches(img, transform, x0s, y0s, xstep, ystep, ws, hs, method="linear"):
    result = []
    for x0, y0, w, h in zip(x0s, y0s, ws, hs):
        result.append(warp_image(img, transform, x0, y0, xstep, ystep, w, h, method))
    return result

class Transform(ABC):
    """Base transform object"""

    def __init__(self, src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False):

    def __call__(self, coords):

    def inv(self):

    def mask(self):

    def reprojection_error(self):

    def get_parameter_handles(self):

    def update_parameters_by_handles(self):

    def valid(self):

    def mean_scale(self):
        a = np.array([[0, 0], [10, 0], [10, 10], [0, 10]])
        at = self(a)
        s1 = (
            1 / 2 * (np.linalg.norm(at[1] - at[0]) + np.linalg.norm(at[3] - at[2])) / 10
        s2 = (
            1 / 2 * (np.linalg.norm(at[2] - at[1]) + np.linalg.norm(at[0] - at[3])) / 10
        s = 1 / 2 * (s1 + s2)
        d = np.round(s / 8)  # ensure that it is divisible by 8
        return float(d * 8)

class IdentityTransform(Transform):
    def __init__(self):

    def __call__(self, coords):
        return coords

    def inv(self):
        return self

    def mask(self):
        return None

    def reprojection_error(self):
        return 0.0

    def get_parameter_handles(self):
        return None

    def update_parameters_by_handles(self):
        return None

    def valid(self):
        return True

class MultiTransform(Transform):
    def __getitem__(self, i):

    def __len__(self):

class HomographyTransform(Transform):
    def __init__(
        self, src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False, ransac_thres=0.1
        self._image_width = image_width
        self._image_height = image_height
        self._handles = None

        if ransac:
            # initial estimate to determine scale
            H = find_homography(src, dest)
            r = apply_homography(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]]), H)
            scale = np.linalg.norm(r[1] - r[0])

            H, self._mask, _ = find_homography_ransac(src, dest, ransac_thres * scale)
            src = src[self._mask]
            dest = dest[self._mask]
            self._mask = None

        self._H = find_homography(src, dest)
        self._err = np.mean(
            np.linalg.norm(apply_homography(src, self._H) - dest, axis=1)

    def __call__(self, coords):
        return apply_homography(coords, self._H)

    def _get_sensitivity(self, axis):
        src = np.array([[0.0, 0.0]])
        t1 = self(src)
        src[0, axis] = 1.0
        t2 = self(src)
        return np.linalg.norm([t1 - t2])

    def inv(self):
        c = copy(self)
        c._H = np.linalg.pinv(self._H)
        c._H /= c._H[2, 2]
        return c

    def mask(self):
        return self._mask

    def reprojection_error(self):
        return self._err

    def get_parameter_handles(self):
        x_sens = self._get_sensitivity(0)
        y_sens = self._get_sensitivity(1)
        dx = 1 / x_sens * self._image_width
        dy = 1 / y_sens * self._image_width
        self._handles = np.array([[-dx, dy], [dx, dy], [dx, -dy], [-dx, -dy]])
        return self(self._handles).flatten()

    def update_parameters_by_handles(self, handles):
        handles = handles.reshape(self._handles.shape)
        self._H = find_homography(self._handles, handles)

    def valid(self):
        return self._H is not None

class FullTransform(Transform):
    def __init__(
        self, src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False, n_dist_coeff=1
        Rt, self._A, self._dist = find_full_model(
            [src], [dest], n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=ransac
        self._Rt = Rt[0]
        self._is_inverse = False
        self._success = True

    def __call__(self, coords):
        if self._success:
            return apply_pinhole(
                coords, self._Rt, self._A, self._dist, self._is_inverse
            return None

    def inv(self):
        if self._success:
            c = copy(self)
            c._A = self._A
            c._Rt = self._Rt
            c._is_inverse = True
            return c
            return None

    def mask(self):
        return self._mask

    def reprojection_error(self):
        return None

    def get_parameter_handles(self, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False):
        params = []

        if extrinsic:
            params.append(util.matrix2rodrigues(self._Rt[:, :3]))
            params.append(self._Rt[:, 3])
        if intrinsic:
            params.append(self._A[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 1, 2]])
        if distortion:

        return np.concatenate(params, axis=0)

    def update_parameters_by_handles(
        self, handles, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
        if extrinsic:
            self._Rt[:, :3] = util.rodrigues2matrix(handles[:3])
            self._Rt[:, 3] = handles[3:6]
            handles = handles[6:] if handles.shape[0] > 6 else None
        if intrinsic:
            self._A[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 1, 2]] = handles[:4]
            handles = handles[4:] if handles.shape[0] > 4 else None
        if distortion:
            self._dist = handles

    def valid(self):
        return self._success

class FullMultiTransform(MultiTransform):
    def __init__(
        if ransac:
            assert fixed_intrinsics is None

        if ransac:
            self._Rt, self._A, self._dist, self._mask = find_full_model(
                src, dest, n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=ransac
            if fixed_intrinsics is None:
                self._Rt, self._A, self._dist = find_full_model(
                    src, dest, n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=ransac
                self._A = fixed_intrinsics[0]
                self._dist = fixed_intrinsics[1]
                self._Rt = _solve_PnP_wrap(src, dest, self._A, self._dist, n_dist_coeff)
        self._is_inverse = False
        self._success = True

    def __call__(self, coords):
        if self._success:
            return [
                apply_pinhole(x, rt, self._A, self._dist, self._is_inverse)
                for x, rt in zip(coords, self._Rt)
            return None

    def inv(self):
        if self._success:
            c = copy(self)
            c._A = self._A
            c._Rt = self._Rt
            c._is_inverse = True
            return c
            return None

    def mask(self):
        return self._mask

    def reprojection_error(self):
        return None

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        res = FullTransform.__new__(FullTransform)
        res._success = self._success
        res._A = self._A
        res._dist = self._dist
        res._Rt = self._Rt[i]
        res._err = None
        res._mask = None
        res._is_inverse = self._is_inverse
        return res

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._Rt)

    def get_subset(self, indicator):
        res = FullMultiTransform.__new__(FullMultiTransform)
        res._success = self._success
        res._A = self._A
        res._dist = self._dist
        res._Rt = [x for i, x in enumerate(self._Rt) if indicator[i]]
        res._mask = None
        res._is_inverse = self._is_inverse
        return res

    def get_parameter_handles(
        self, items, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
        res = []
                extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion

        if extrinsic:
            for i in items[1:]:
                        extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=False, distortion=False

        return np.concatenate(res, axis=0)

    def update_parameters_by_handles(
        self, handles, items, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
        t = [self[i] for i in items]
        l = (
                extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion
            handles[:l], extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion
        handles = handles[l:] if handles.shape[0] > l else None
        self._A = t[0]._A
        self._dist = t[0]._dist
        self._Rt[items[0]] = t[0]._Rt

        if extrinsic and len(items) > 1:
            l = handles.shape[0] // (len(items) - 1)
            for ti, i in zip(t[1:], items[1:]):
                self._Rt[i] = ti._Rt
                handles = handles[l:] if handles.shape[0] > l else None

    def valid(self):
        return self._success


def apply_homography(src, H)
Expand source code
def apply_homography(src, H):
    assert src.shape[-1] == 2
    src_flat = src.reshape(-1, 2)
    res = H[:, :2].dot(src_flat.T)
    res += H[:, 2].reshape(3, 1)
    with np.errstate(divide="ignore"):
        res[:2] /= res[2]
    return res[:2].T.reshape(src.shape)
def apply_pinhole(src, Rt, A, d, inverse=False)
Expand source code
def apply_pinhole(src, Rt, A, d, inverse=False):
    if not inverse:
        Rt = Rt[:, [0, 1, 3]]
        src = apply_homography(src, Rt)
        src = distort(src, d)
        return apply_homography(src, A)
        Rt = np.linalg.pinv(Rt[:, [0, 1, 3]])
        A = np.linalg.pinv(A)
        src = apply_homography(src, A)
        src = distort_inverse(src, d)
        return apply_homography(src, Rt)
def distort(coords, params)
Expand source code
def distort(coords, params):
    return _brown(coords, params)
def distort_inverse(coords, params)
Expand source code
def distort_inverse(coords, params):
    if len(params) > 1:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Inversion not implemented for more than 1 coefficient"
    return _brown_oder1_inverse(coords, params[0])
def find_full_model(src, dest, n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=False)
Expand source code
def find_full_model(src, dest, n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=False):
    N_images = len(src)

    # initial homographies
    H = [find_homography(s, d) for s, d in zip(src, dest)]
    errs = [
                src_i - apply_homography(dest_i, np.linalg.pinv(H_i)), axis=1
        for H_i, dest_i, src_i in zip(H, dest, src)

    # init intrinsics and extrinsics
    if ransac:
        thresh = 1.1 * np.array(errs)  # reprojection error must not become worse..

        def model_f(mask):
            return _calibrate_camera_wrap(src, dest, image_width, image_height, 0, mask)

        def err_f(model):
            A, Rt = model[0], model[1]
            dest_t = [
                apply_pinhole(dest_i, Rt_i, A, [0], inverse=True)
                for dest_i, Rt_i in zip(dest, Rt)
            err = [
                np.mean(np.linalg.norm(src_i - dest_t_i, axis=1))
                for src_i, dest_t_i in zip(src, dest_t)
            return np.array(err) < thresh

        model, inlier, _ = util.ransac(N_images, 3, model_f, err_f)
        A, Rt = model[0], model[1]

        Rt, src, dest = util.filter_lists([Rt, src, dest], inlier)

    # estimate using all inliers / all views
    A, Rt, k = _calibrate_camera_wrap(
        src, dest, image_width, image_height, n_dist_coeff

    if ransac:
        return Rt, A, k, inlier
        return Rt, A, k
def find_homography(src, dest, compute_residual=False)

Estimate homography using normalized DLT

TODO How handle cases where H[2,2] == 0?

Expand source code
def find_homography(src, dest, compute_residual=False):
        Estimate homography using normalized DLT

        TODO How handle cases where H[2,2] == 0?
    N = src.shape[0]
    dt = src.dtype
    normalize = N > 4

    if normalize:
        # compute transforms that normalize coordinates such that
        # centroid is at origin with average distance of sqrt(2)
        src_T = _normalize_transform(src)
        dest_T = _normalize_transform(dest)

        # normalize
        src_n = apply_homography(src, src_T)
        dest_n = apply_homography(dest, dest_T)
        src_n = src
        dest_n = dest

    # DLT
    A = np.zeros((2 * N, 9), dtype=np.float64)
    A[:N, 0] = src_n[:, 0]
    A[:N, 1] = src_n[:, 1]
    A[:N, 2] = 1
    A[:N, 6] = -dest_n[:, 0] * src_n[:, 0]
    A[:N, 7] = -dest_n[:, 0] * src_n[:, 1]
    A[:N, 8] = -dest_n[:, 0]
    A[N:, 3] = -src_n[:, 0]
    A[N:, 4] = -src_n[:, 1]
    A[N:, 5] = -1
    A[N:, 6] = dest_n[:, 1] * src_n[:, 0]
    A[N:, 7] = dest_n[:, 1] * src_n[:, 1]
    A[N:, 8] = dest_n[:, 1]

    U, sigma, VT = np.linalg.svd(A)
    # residual = sigma[-1]
    H = VT[-1].reshape(3, 3)

    # denormalize
    if normalize:
        H = np.linalg.inv(dest_T).dot(H).dot(src_T)

    if np.abs(H[2, 2]) != 0.0:
        H /= H[2, 2]
        H = None

    if compute_residual and normalize:
        if H is not None:
            tmp = apply_homography(src, H)
            residual = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(tmp - dest, ord=2, axis=1))
            return H, residual
            return None, None
    elif compute_residual:
        return H, sigma[-1]
        return H
def find_homography_ransac(src, dest, error_thresh_px, compute_residual=False)
Expand source code
def find_homography_ransac(src, dest, error_thresh_px, compute_residual=False):
    def model_f(mask):
        return find_homography(src[mask], dest[mask])

    def err_f(model):
        src_t = apply_homography(src, model)
        return np.linalg.norm(src_t - dest, axis=1) < error_thresh_px

    return util.ransac(src.shape[0], 4, model_f, err_f)
def warp_image(img, transform, x0, y0, xstep, ystep, w, h, method='linear')
Expand source code
def warp_image(img, transform, x0, y0, xstep, ystep, w, h, method="linear"):
    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x0, x0 + w, xstep), np.arange(y0, y0 + h, ystep))
    samples = np.stack((xi.flatten(), yi.flatten()), axis=1)
    samples = transform(samples)
    v = scipy.interpolate.interpn(
            np.arange(img.shape[0], dtype=np.float32),
            np.arange(img.shape[1], dtype=np.float32),
    return v.reshape((xi.shape[0], xi.shape[1]))
def warp_image_patches(img, transform, x0s, y0s, xstep, ystep, ws, hs, method='linear')
Expand source code
def warp_image_patches(img, transform, x0s, y0s, xstep, ystep, ws, hs, method="linear"):
    result = []
    for x0, y0, w, h in zip(x0s, y0s, ws, hs):
        result.append(warp_image(img, transform, x0, y0, xstep, ystep, w, h, method))
    return result


class FullMultiTransform (src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False, n_dist_coeff=1, fixed_intrinsics=None)

Base transform object

Expand source code
class FullMultiTransform(MultiTransform):
    def __init__(
        if ransac:
            assert fixed_intrinsics is None

        if ransac:
            self._Rt, self._A, self._dist, self._mask = find_full_model(
                src, dest, n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=ransac
            if fixed_intrinsics is None:
                self._Rt, self._A, self._dist = find_full_model(
                    src, dest, n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=ransac
                self._A = fixed_intrinsics[0]
                self._dist = fixed_intrinsics[1]
                self._Rt = _solve_PnP_wrap(src, dest, self._A, self._dist, n_dist_coeff)
        self._is_inverse = False
        self._success = True

    def __call__(self, coords):
        if self._success:
            return [
                apply_pinhole(x, rt, self._A, self._dist, self._is_inverse)
                for x, rt in zip(coords, self._Rt)
            return None

    def inv(self):
        if self._success:
            c = copy(self)
            c._A = self._A
            c._Rt = self._Rt
            c._is_inverse = True
            return c
            return None

    def mask(self):
        return self._mask

    def reprojection_error(self):
        return None

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        res = FullTransform.__new__(FullTransform)
        res._success = self._success
        res._A = self._A
        res._dist = self._dist
        res._Rt = self._Rt[i]
        res._err = None
        res._mask = None
        res._is_inverse = self._is_inverse
        return res

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._Rt)

    def get_subset(self, indicator):
        res = FullMultiTransform.__new__(FullMultiTransform)
        res._success = self._success
        res._A = self._A
        res._dist = self._dist
        res._Rt = [x for i, x in enumerate(self._Rt) if indicator[i]]
        res._mask = None
        res._is_inverse = self._is_inverse
        return res

    def get_parameter_handles(
        self, items, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
        res = []
                extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion

        if extrinsic:
            for i in items[1:]:
                        extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=False, distortion=False

        return np.concatenate(res, axis=0)

    def update_parameters_by_handles(
        self, handles, items, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
        t = [self[i] for i in items]
        l = (
                extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion
            handles[:l], extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion
        handles = handles[l:] if handles.shape[0] > l else None
        self._A = t[0]._A
        self._dist = t[0]._dist
        self._Rt[items[0]] = t[0]._Rt

        if extrinsic and len(items) > 1:
            l = handles.shape[0] // (len(items) - 1)
            for ti, i in zip(t[1:], items[1:]):
                self._Rt[i] = ti._Rt
                handles = handles[l:] if handles.shape[0] > l else None

    def valid(self):
        return self._success


Instance variables

var valid
Expand source code
def valid(self):
    return self._success


def get_parameter_handles(self, items, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False)
Expand source code
def get_parameter_handles(
    self, items, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
    res = []
            extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion

    if extrinsic:
        for i in items[1:]:
                    extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=False, distortion=False

    return np.concatenate(res, axis=0)
def get_subset(self, indicator)
Expand source code
def get_subset(self, indicator):
    res = FullMultiTransform.__new__(FullMultiTransform)
    res._success = self._success
    res._A = self._A
    res._dist = self._dist
    res._Rt = [x for i, x in enumerate(self._Rt) if indicator[i]]
    res._mask = None
    res._is_inverse = self._is_inverse
    return res
def inv(self)
Expand source code
def inv(self):
    if self._success:
        c = copy(self)
        c._A = self._A
        c._Rt = self._Rt
        c._is_inverse = True
        return c
        return None
def mask(self)
Expand source code
def mask(self):
    return self._mask
def reprojection_error(self)
Expand source code
def reprojection_error(self):
    return None
def update_parameters_by_handles(self, handles, items, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False)
Expand source code
def update_parameters_by_handles(
    self, handles, items, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
    t = [self[i] for i in items]
    l = (
            extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion
        handles[:l], extrinsic=extrinsic, intrinsic=intrinsic, distortion=distortion
    handles = handles[l:] if handles.shape[0] > l else None
    self._A = t[0]._A
    self._dist = t[0]._dist
    self._Rt[items[0]] = t[0]._Rt

    if extrinsic and len(items) > 1:
        l = handles.shape[0] // (len(items) - 1)
        for ti, i in zip(t[1:], items[1:]):
            self._Rt[i] = ti._Rt
            handles = handles[l:] if handles.shape[0] > l else None
class FullTransform (src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False, n_dist_coeff=1)

Base transform object

Expand source code
class FullTransform(Transform):
    def __init__(
        self, src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False, n_dist_coeff=1
        Rt, self._A, self._dist = find_full_model(
            [src], [dest], n_dist_coeff, image_width, image_height, ransac=ransac
        self._Rt = Rt[0]
        self._is_inverse = False
        self._success = True

    def __call__(self, coords):
        if self._success:
            return apply_pinhole(
                coords, self._Rt, self._A, self._dist, self._is_inverse
            return None

    def inv(self):
        if self._success:
            c = copy(self)
            c._A = self._A
            c._Rt = self._Rt
            c._is_inverse = True
            return c
            return None

    def mask(self):
        return self._mask

    def reprojection_error(self):
        return None

    def get_parameter_handles(self, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False):
        params = []

        if extrinsic:
            params.append(util.matrix2rodrigues(self._Rt[:, :3]))
            params.append(self._Rt[:, 3])
        if intrinsic:
            params.append(self._A[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 1, 2]])
        if distortion:

        return np.concatenate(params, axis=0)

    def update_parameters_by_handles(
        self, handles, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
        if extrinsic:
            self._Rt[:, :3] = util.rodrigues2matrix(handles[:3])
            self._Rt[:, 3] = handles[3:6]
            handles = handles[6:] if handles.shape[0] > 6 else None
        if intrinsic:
            self._A[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 1, 2]] = handles[:4]
            handles = handles[4:] if handles.shape[0] > 4 else None
        if distortion:
            self._dist = handles

    def valid(self):
        return self._success


Instance variables

var mask
Expand source code
def mask(self):
    return self._mask
var reprojection_error
Expand source code
def reprojection_error(self):
    return None
var valid
Expand source code
def valid(self):
    return self._success


def get_parameter_handles(self, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False)
Expand source code
def get_parameter_handles(self, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False):
    params = []

    if extrinsic:
        params.append(util.matrix2rodrigues(self._Rt[:, :3]))
        params.append(self._Rt[:, 3])
    if intrinsic:
        params.append(self._A[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 1, 2]])
    if distortion:

    return np.concatenate(params, axis=0)
def inv(self)
Expand source code
def inv(self):
    if self._success:
        c = copy(self)
        c._A = self._A
        c._Rt = self._Rt
        c._is_inverse = True
        return c
        return None
def update_parameters_by_handles(self, handles, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False)
Expand source code
def update_parameters_by_handles(
    self, handles, extrinsic=True, intrinsic=False, distortion=False
    if extrinsic:
        self._Rt[:, :3] = util.rodrigues2matrix(handles[:3])
        self._Rt[:, 3] = handles[3:6]
        handles = handles[6:] if handles.shape[0] > 6 else None
    if intrinsic:
        self._A[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 1, 2]] = handles[:4]
        handles = handles[4:] if handles.shape[0] > 4 else None
    if distortion:
        self._dist = handles
class HomographyTransform (src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False, ransac_thres=0.1)

Base transform object

Expand source code
class HomographyTransform(Transform):
    def __init__(
        self, src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False, ransac_thres=0.1
        self._image_width = image_width
        self._image_height = image_height
        self._handles = None

        if ransac:
            # initial estimate to determine scale
            H = find_homography(src, dest)
            r = apply_homography(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]]), H)
            scale = np.linalg.norm(r[1] - r[0])

            H, self._mask, _ = find_homography_ransac(src, dest, ransac_thres * scale)
            src = src[self._mask]
            dest = dest[self._mask]
            self._mask = None

        self._H = find_homography(src, dest)
        self._err = np.mean(
            np.linalg.norm(apply_homography(src, self._H) - dest, axis=1)

    def __call__(self, coords):
        return apply_homography(coords, self._H)

    def _get_sensitivity(self, axis):
        src = np.array([[0.0, 0.0]])
        t1 = self(src)
        src[0, axis] = 1.0
        t2 = self(src)
        return np.linalg.norm([t1 - t2])

    def inv(self):
        c = copy(self)
        c._H = np.linalg.pinv(self._H)
        c._H /= c._H[2, 2]
        return c

    def mask(self):
        return self._mask

    def reprojection_error(self):
        return self._err

    def get_parameter_handles(self):
        x_sens = self._get_sensitivity(0)
        y_sens = self._get_sensitivity(1)
        dx = 1 / x_sens * self._image_width
        dy = 1 / y_sens * self._image_width
        self._handles = np.array([[-dx, dy], [dx, dy], [dx, -dy], [-dx, -dy]])
        return self(self._handles).flatten()

    def update_parameters_by_handles(self, handles):
        handles = handles.reshape(self._handles.shape)
        self._H = find_homography(self._handles, handles)

    def valid(self):
        return self._H is not None


Instance variables

var mask
Expand source code
def mask(self):
    return self._mask
var reprojection_error
Expand source code
def reprojection_error(self):
    return self._err
var valid
Expand source code
def valid(self):
    return self._H is not None


def get_parameter_handles(self)
Expand source code
def get_parameter_handles(self):
    x_sens = self._get_sensitivity(0)
    y_sens = self._get_sensitivity(1)
    dx = 1 / x_sens * self._image_width
    dy = 1 / y_sens * self._image_width
    self._handles = np.array([[-dx, dy], [dx, dy], [dx, -dy], [-dx, -dy]])
    return self(self._handles).flatten()
def inv(self)
Expand source code
def inv(self):
    c = copy(self)
    c._H = np.linalg.pinv(self._H)
    c._H /= c._H[2, 2]
    return c
def update_parameters_by_handles(self, handles)
Expand source code
def update_parameters_by_handles(self, handles):
    handles = handles.reshape(self._handles.shape)
    self._H = find_homography(self._handles, handles)
class IdentityTransform

Base transform object

Expand source code
class IdentityTransform(Transform):
    def __init__(self):

    def __call__(self, coords):
        return coords

    def inv(self):
        return self

    def mask(self):
        return None

    def reprojection_error(self):
        return 0.0

    def get_parameter_handles(self):
        return None

    def update_parameters_by_handles(self):
        return None

    def valid(self):
        return True


Instance variables

var mask
Expand source code
def mask(self):
    return None
var reprojection_error
Expand source code
def reprojection_error(self):
    return 0.0


def get_parameter_handles(self)
Expand source code
def get_parameter_handles(self):
    return None
def inv(self)
Expand source code
def inv(self):
    return self
def update_parameters_by_handles(self)
Expand source code
def update_parameters_by_handles(self):
    return None
def valid(self)
Expand source code
def valid(self):
    return True
class MultiTransform (src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False)

Base transform object

Expand source code
class MultiTransform(Transform):
    def __getitem__(self, i):

    def __len__(self):



class Transform (src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False)

Base transform object

Expand source code
class Transform(ABC):
    """Base transform object"""

    def __init__(self, src, dest, image_width=0, image_height=0, ransac=False):

    def __call__(self, coords):

    def inv(self):

    def mask(self):

    def reprojection_error(self):

    def get_parameter_handles(self):

    def update_parameters_by_handles(self):

    def valid(self):

    def mean_scale(self):
        a = np.array([[0, 0], [10, 0], [10, 10], [0, 10]])
        at = self(a)
        s1 = (
            1 / 2 * (np.linalg.norm(at[1] - at[0]) + np.linalg.norm(at[3] - at[2])) / 10
        s2 = (
            1 / 2 * (np.linalg.norm(at[2] - at[1]) + np.linalg.norm(at[0] - at[3])) / 10
        s = 1 / 2 * (s1 + s2)
        d = np.round(s / 8)  # ensure that it is divisible by 8
        return float(d * 8)


  • abc.ABC


Instance variables

var mask
Expand source code
def mask(self):
var reprojection_error
Expand source code
def reprojection_error(self):
var valid
Expand source code
def valid(self):


def get_parameter_handles(self)
Expand source code
def get_parameter_handles(self):
def inv(self)
Expand source code
def inv(self):
def mean_scale(self)
Expand source code
def mean_scale(self):
    a = np.array([[0, 0], [10, 0], [10, 10], [0, 10]])
    at = self(a)
    s1 = (
        1 / 2 * (np.linalg.norm(at[1] - at[0]) + np.linalg.norm(at[3] - at[2])) / 10
    s2 = (
        1 / 2 * (np.linalg.norm(at[2] - at[1]) + np.linalg.norm(at[0] - at[3])) / 10
    s = 1 / 2 * (s1 + s2)
    d = np.round(s / 8)  # ensure that it is divisible by 8
    return float(d * 8)
def update_parameters_by_handles(self)
Expand source code
def update_parameters_by_handles(self):